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snapshot failing

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    snapshot failing

    hi, upon trying to take a snapshot we are getting this error

    (File Snapshot.cpp, Line 331) - The registry entry for the sites list is empty.

    is there a simple way to fix this rather than re-intall etc..

    thanks in advance

    Steve Quinn
    Harlequin Domains
    0800 0832077

    Hi Steve

    Try the following

    1. Close Actinic
    2. Click on "Start | Run", type in "regedit" to go into the registry
    3. Go into: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Actinic
    4. Highlight Catalog5
    5. On the righthand side look at Sitelist, double click on it, and see if it has the site name which you are trying to export the snapshot from. If it has not, then thats the problem.

    Hope this helps
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      still not working

      thanks for replying quickly but still no joy... site1 is listed correctly by the look of it..

      any other ideas ?


        Hi Steve

        The only other idea, would be to look into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Actinic\Catalog5\Sites\Site1

        and see on the right hand side if SiteName does say Site1

        Other than this, i do not know the reason why you will get this error message.

        Can i please ask, what version of 5 are you running?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development



          5.1.4 on win xp


            Try going to 'File | Sites'. Do you get an error? Do any sites appear? If you have more than one site, try swapping between them.

            Also, to double-check your registry settings, in regedit, browse down the folders on the left to:

            HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Actinic \Catalog5

            In the right hand side, look for a value called 'SiteList'. This should be a comma-delimited list of the sites in your installation. For instance, my list for v5 looks like this:

            Support, Site1,

            Notice the comma and space between each one, and the comma at the end. Check these values are as they should be.

            If this does not work, then you are looking at a reinstall. Back up your site folders somewhere safe and then uninstall and reinstall Actinic. You can then just copy your site folders back into the installation.



              i will get them to try it....

