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New Host - New Problems

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    New Host - New Problems

    I'm testing a new hosting package at and can't get the settings configured as the permissions will not change via the wizard, my file manager only allows me to change files within directories and not folders by CHMOD.

    Actinic received a server error from the web server. The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration. permission will not change on running the Wizard though...

    I have check the path for perl as #!/usr/local/bin/perl and set the path in Actinic advanced network as /usr/local/bin/perl, the root is /htdocs/ and the view from bin /cgi-bin/htdocs/ all settings I am familiar with.

    Having read through other posts I see similar problems on V4 but nothing for V7, tried a few variations, anyone got any idea what the problem could be (apart from me)...?

    Hi David,

    Is the server Linux or Windows? If Linux then the permissions on the cgi-bin folder should be 755 and 777 on the acatalog folder. If you are not able to change these then you would need to ask your hosting company to do it for you. If a windows server then:

    cgi-bin = read/execute

    cgi-bin = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory
    acatalog = Catalog's FTP account needs 'Change' permissions on the directory AND the IUSR_<servername> account needs to have 'Change' permissions on the directory.

    Another thing to check is if perl is running correctly on the server. I have attached a script for you to upload to the cgi-bin. Make sure that the permissions on the file are set to 755 and then try to run it in your browser ( If it doesn't run then you need to contact your host (it should just display 'hello world' on the screen).

    and the view from bin /cgi-bin/htdocs/
    I'm not sure what you mean by this, it looks a bit odd to me - you don't usually have a htdocs folder inside the cgi-bin - the other way around maybe.

    When you confirm that perl works fine and that the permissions are set correctly on the folders we can then work out what your settings should be.
    Attached Files

