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Trade price lists

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    Trade price lists

    I am developing a site for a client who wants to have 2 customer groups - retail and trade, i.e. his trade customers will see and pay a reduced price once logged in - all this no problem, have worked this bit out.

    However he also wants to be able to have a page where he can display his trade price lists to his 'trade customers' as .pdf files to download but these pages must obviously be hidden from view to anyone who is not logged in as a trade customer. Is there a simple way of doing this within Actinic??

    Hi Clive

    Since you mentioned that you are using customer accounts hopefully you must be using Actinic Business or Developer if that is the case this is how I see it being done....

    Create a new section, add a product under it and upload the PDF file thorugh the Digitaldownload link tab of that product. And then apply the workaround given in the advanced userguide(Bouncing Unregistered Customers Out of Sections pg 61) which will prevent the page being displayed to the non-logged in trade customers. If you do not have the advanced user guide you can download it from here

    Dhivya Malani


      thanks very much for your help, i will give it a go

