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Comments & Suggestions

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    Comments & Suggestions

    I have our new site up and running now, and would appreciate any comments and suggestions you may have

    Also, how do i modify the template for the home page, to allow me to customise this page, instead of using just images as it is now.

    Is there a way to reduce the amount of wasted space on the left hand side of the products section. When i have a long description it looks wrong.

    check out the product at the bottom and see what i mean

    Thanks a lot for your help

    Your logo on that page is 1280x52 px, much too wide. Try creating a logo just 800 wide and look at the difference.


      I have done as you suggested, thanks for the reply

      However I cannot see much difference, the logo is now 800px wide


        Big improvement. You will see that the prodcuts are now centralised in the pane even when you resize the window down to the edge of the 800px wide logo. That means that anyone viewing the page in 800x600 or larger will see the products centrally placed in that pane. (Although you may need to make it still smaller to allow for the right hand scroll bar etc in the browser at 800 wide - perhaps 780 - can't recall the default sizing width for 800 wide browsing of the top of my head)


          Ok, i see that, thanks

          do you have any suggestions for the home page query.

          Also regarding the HDMI link above. On that page is there a way to get the text to "wrap around the image" instead of having a very thin column


            On the homepage you can add fragments which can contain almost anything you wish. Have a play around with some using different fragments templates and you will see how they look.
            You can position the text in a different way by modfitying the Act_ProductLine template (trust that's the right one - not in front of Actinic right now) - have a search on the forum for wrapping text or formatting of products.


              I did this for a v6 thread but will work in v7 also

              Your images on the homepage are crying out to be clicked ....

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Thanks for the replies

                I have added a few fragments to the home page.

                Any better?

