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Preview takes a long time ...

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    Preview takes a long time ...

    Hi All,

    For some unknown reason my "Preview" in Actinic is taking forever. It wasn't like it yesterday, but today its taking abount 3 minutes to refresh the page preview after any mods to a page.

    The only thing that has happened since yesterday is that I ran a Spyware program that was very throrough and quarantined loads of files not seen by McAfee and Norton. The program was Spyware Doctor by PC Tools.

    I did get a warning about some programs behaving differently, so the question is, does Actinic have any programs that may get picked up by such a security scan especially "Active X's" that would effect the performance of the Actinic software, especially page previewing ?

    Any help appreciated. Simon.

    P.S. If a re-install of the software is the best way forward. How do I make sure I do not loose any of my work..... does backing up and copying over Site1 include everything ????
    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
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    I have Spyware Doctor too and just to check ran a scan, fixed errors and did have some issues with the preview once done. Actinic uses the Active X controls to generate the preview and hence the issues. I would suggest a reinstall of the SW. Please make a snapshot of the site and also a back-up of the Database (ActinicCatalog.mdb) to be doubly sure. Once you uninstall make sure to delete the Actinic v7 file from within C:\Program Files\

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Still not right ???


      Done all of the below; Backed Up, Uninstalled and Deleted Actinic Folder, etc etc and then re-installed the software from Disc, Imported Site 1, etc etc.

      Still no good.

      Preview takes for ever. Actinic pauses before executing its next command, e.g. if I do an Offline Preview, Actinic does nothing for approx 40 seconds and then begins carrying out the avtivity.

      There is a "pause" going on and I can't resolve it ???

      Any ideas, Simon?
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
      ... download once use as many times as you like !


        I have exactly the same problem and got so fed up that I took Jonty's advice and stopped using it. Instead I hit the Preview in Browser icon to look at the page.

        But even this is bugged. Sometimes asks you to generate the whole site even though you have made a single character change to the page.

        No idea what Actinic is doing during this 'delay'.



          What triggered it ?


          Nice, (in a strange way), to know I'm not the only one.

          Its working fine one minute and then, nothing. As I suggested earlier, my only recollection of doing something different is running Spyware Doctor ???

          So, my "Preview" in an Explorer Browser works fine too, so I suppose I can turn off Actinic Preview and get on with stuff.

          As I have not generated "Site HTML "and uploaded my Site to a host ISP, do you think this problem will cause any problems down the line ?


          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !



            I have only had one other problem apart from this, and in my opinion quite major. I have reported it on the forum and followed the one reply but to no avail.

            My site uploads fine - no issues there.

            BUT... I cannot back up my site at all. No matter what I try Microsoft Crash Protection comes up whenever I try and back up the site.

            So I am more worried on that score than the preview.



              Originally posted by jsavoor
              But even this is bugged. Sometimes asks you to generate the whole site even though you have made a single character change to the page.
              There are 2 very similar icons on the task bar - the "1 page" icon previews just the current section you are focussed on and the very similar "2 page" icon will preview the whole of the site. Very easy - and annoying to cilck the wrong icon if in a hury - I have edited the bar and removed the 2 page icon now

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                I get similar problems all the time with clients - people these days are so obsessed with virus/spywear that they run multiple programs to try and control the problem.

                What they do in reality is make things worse each program starts to conflict with the other and they start to identify files as problems when in reality they are vital to the operation of other programs - in many cases Actinic

                My advice is to only run one and I have found Norton Internet Security Professional to be the best.


                  OK, but a re-install should fix this right ????

                  I appreciate what you say about Spyware protection and maybe the problem was self inflicted ?

                  But if this is so then the remedy should be just as quick. I have re-installed Actinic, after completely uninstalling it and deleting it etc.

                  But still the problem exists?

                  So soes Actinic use files outside its own software, files which could have been deleted and not recovered by a re-install of it?

                  Any ideas, S.
                  your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                  ... download once use as many times as you like !



                    It may be something in ie that has been removed, hence the preview problems.

                    You are correct reinstalling Actinic will put things right if it is a problem with Actinic. Try reinstalling ie or go back to a restore point if you are using XP.



                      This is something silly but thought I would check it anyway. Could you check to see what you have the 'Refresh Delay' set to, you will find it near the screen display modes. Also please check to see if you have ODBC tracing turned on, if not turn it on and then let us know if the issue persists.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        Where is the ODBC setting for TRACE ?



                          Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) | Tracing ..

                          Kind regards,
                          Bruce King



                            Ok... Refresh is set to V.Fast.

                            Switched on tracing. Actinic went brr brr brr for a very very long time while starting and then .... Microsoft Crash Protection kicked. Obviously too much brr'ing.

                            So, I turned tracing off. Started Actinic - very fast start as normal.

                            Switched on tracing and tested Preview speed.

                            There was no change.

                            Are we sure there are no debug routines still in the code... there should be no reason why it should pause for 10 secs or so before displaying the html.




                              Is the site a large one? If so are you using Javascript to display your section list's? If you are, that could be the cause of your problem with the delay, this is till the script populates the section tree.

                              Kind regards,
                              Bruce King

