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Site Backup Error message ....

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    Site Backup Error message ....

    I get this error message when I run File>Site Backup>Export Site
    Warning:  The HTML templates specify source files (with "SRC=" commands) that reside in directories other than the acatalog directory on the web site.  Actinic can not handle these files and they are being omitted from the list of files to upload.
    No source files in the templates should have a path.  Store them in the site specific directory locally, and they will be uploaded to the Actinic web directory.
    I created a sub folder under "Site1", called images, and have many images referenced from this sub-folder. Both added as CUTOMVAR's and some directly into a template.

    If I have a CUSTOMVAR I use........
    If I drop an image into a template I use ......
    <img src="../images/home_thelaw.gif" width="110" height="94">
    These preview in Actinic and offline in IE preview perfectly ? Am I missing something ?

    Why do I get this error prompt ?
    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
    ... download once use as many times as you like !

    Nope - you are not missing anything.

    Actinic likes all images that are not product or section images to be in the root of the site folder - hence the warning message. If you embed and image into a template and place this in a sub-folder it will work but Actinic gets uppity about the path and is more of a warning for back-up and uploading purposes.

    You can set Actinic to ignore but is useful in case you do refer to something on say the desktop

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Actinic stores all its files on the server in the acatalog directory (the only exception being the Brochure Home Page HTML).

      Since all server files are in the same directory no pathnames to other directories are needed.

      When Actinic is parsing Templates and finds src="...." it knows that you want to include a file and it uploads it for you.

      However it will only upload into the acatalog directory and thus issues a warning if it sees a file that isn't intended for there.

      Actinic won't complain if you use fully qualified url's for there files - e.g.


      As John says, you can opt to inhibit this warning, but this will prevent you being told about furture problems.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi ,

        I've been having this problem also, but then not with images but hard coding in links to other pages. Have worked my way around it by putting hard coded links in the "full" version... ie. http://www.yourdomain/page.html

        This has worked for me. The following Knowledge Base article may help:


          OK, more on the errors .....

          Thanks all, the knowledge base article has put my mind at rest a tad ....

          There is a bit of a development to this problem, and that is that it is not consistent.

          As a test I renamed my \images folder \img and modified a few links to the root using the new folder path.

          Before the change i was geting 214 errors, i.e. 214 files which Actinic was throwing out as follows.......
          (File ExportFiles.cpp,  Line 582) - The file \images\safecon\fireexits\S050211.gif was not found  System error 3 -  The system cannot find the path specified.
          (File ExportFiles.cpp,  Line 582) - The file \images\mandatory\eyeprotect\M0104012.gif was not found  System error 3 -  The system cannot find the path specified.
          (File ExportFiles.cpp,  Line 582) - The file \images\section_layouts\circle_05.gif was not found  System error 3 -  The system cannot find the path specified.
          After the change i was getting in excess of 600, indicating that there must be approx 814 files like this in total. (and obviously i only changed a few paths so the rest will fail).

          My confusion starts with :

          #1 Why didn't all 814 files throw up an error in the first place ?

          #2 If I rename a file and refresh the link its suddenly OK, but if I COPY it onto its self its not ?

          Have i got a virus, or had a virus which has messed up my file management ?

          Any help, thanks... S.

          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !


            The answer lies in the error report - they are useful - you changed the /images/ folder to /img/ but only as you said "modified a few links to the root using the new folder path" all the rest are still pointing to the /images/ folder which is no longer there and as detailed in the error report ... not a virus but human error

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Not consisent though ...

              Hi Jont,

              I knew that this would happen, but my question is why do only half of the files with the original \images path, show an error when I originally ran a site snapshot ?

              Some have the error and some do not, (forget my playing around with \img diagnosing) ?

              All 814 files have the same path \images etc, but only some files have this error and at random too ?

              Is this linked to the reasons why my Actinic Preview is unworkably slow ? I have beed forced to turn preview off and work in Simple Preview until further notice.

              Somethings happened ... it wasnt like this a few days ago ?

              Still confused, S.
              your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
              ... download once use as many times as you like !



                Actinic is perfectly happy with you keeping Product and Section images anywhere on your disk drive(s). However when it uploads them, they all end up in acatalog and are loaded with simple <img src="filename.gif"> type tags.

                When you preview the path used in the PreviewHTML files is modified to contain the full path to these "foreign" files.

                So, assuming that most of these images were Product images, that's why Actinic throws the errors. The DataBase expects them to be somewhere and you renamed that folder.

                The other case is images that you've directly referred to in Template customisations. It's much cleaner to keep all such images in your Site folder, use simple links to these images and let Actinic automatically upload them for you.

                A problem with relative images may arise when you are viewing Perl based pages (Search, Checkout, Business Logged In, etc). Now your pages are coming via cgi-bin and this may break relative paths if your cgi-bin and acatalog aren't at the same level.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

