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That Multi columns again!!

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    That Multi columns again!!

    I have been reading with interest and following the multi column instructions and advice and I must say each hurdle I take with this software it takes time but eventually I grasp it. However, I have just danced around having achieved 3 fragments line up across the page but under 2 of them I have NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURE TEXT appear ..whoops

    I have chosen the image and text only as these are swatches of fabric samples and just need the stock number under each image.

    what have I done to create the NETQUOTEVAR QUOTES? and how do I remove them..... plain simple language please and very slooowly

    Also I had the syntax error during the set up procedure I assume that this is to do with WinXP and the javascript as mentioned in one of the previous threads.
    Thanks. PS Tried to submit a thread to the other multi-cols question and answers but came up with an error. sorry to create a new thread over this.

    Have you got any text in the 2nd and 3rd fragments? If the fragments have been copied any pasted it can sometimes miss the text and it shows the NETQUOTEVAR instead ... I only discovered this issue this week

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I have just checked there was some text I had failed to take out of the first fragment box.
      I have removed it and now all three only have the stock number for the title and the image and now the NETQUOTEVAR appears under all three items.
      The other issue is that in the preview window along the bottom screen it shows the 3 items running across the screen.
      When I preview in explorer it places them under one another and not in multi cols.
      Where am I going wrong here.


        In the OP you are using text and image .. in your last post you mention there is a title also! Are you sure you are editing the right template if the title is showing?

        The preview issue is a strange one - I recenty l did a job for someone with multi column fragments and mine previewed fine under Actinic and doing a local preview.... my client also reported seeing them in a vertical column as you are .. but upon uploading to the server they were visible in a line across!

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Sorry I meant image and just the title
          The image being a small 45x45 fabric swatch the title being the Fabric ID

          With regards to previewing - sometimes in Dreamweaver you get a hiccup along the way and the preview in explorer is not quite how it should be but once on the server its fine.

          The next stage for me is to load it up onto the trial server and see what it looks like but I would like to be rid of the NETQUOTEVAR BROCHURE TEXT.

          If I understand this correctly, NETQUOTEVARS are anchors to place the text within a certain place. Can I not remove the NETQUOTEVAR BROCHURE TEXT within the coding? As there is not anchor of text required.


            Can you copy and paste the fragment HTML you are using and someone can take a look to see if it is a code error - yes - if you are not using text then simple delete or comment out the NQV and that should resolve

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              I have removed the NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURE TEXT and it has disappeared from the page - great.
              but with regards any errors in coding Please see below the code copied from one of the fragments

              <!-- ImageAndTitle HTML begin -->

              <script language=JavaScript>
              if ( currentcol++ == 0 ) document.write('<tr><td colspan=3><table border=0><tr>');
              document.write('<td width="' + colwidth + '%" valign=top>');
              // -->

              <noscript><tr><td width="100%"></noscript>

              <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1">
              <td valign="top" align="left">NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURE_IMAGE</td>
              <td valign="top">


              <script language=JavaScript>
              if ( currentcol >= CUSTOMVAR:NUMCOLS )
              currentcol = 0;
              // -->


              <!-- ImageAndTitle HTML end -->


                I have just loaded it up onto the trial server and the multi columns appear correct so it must be something to do with the Explorer preview on Win XP I guess.



                  Yep - its a wierd one - so long as the viewing world can see it that's all the matters

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

