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Hard Coded Menus and Redundant Code

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    Hard Coded Menus and Redundant Code

    I have introduced hard-coded menus and want to strip out all redundant code from the templates. I'm using 7.05

    I have read loads of threads about this but can't find one that simply tells me what code I can and should remove in order to get rid of the actinic menu system and yahoosections list, is it?

    I've just found a thread that suggests I should get rid of all my navigation information in Design | Options ! Navigation, so I'm trying that but I'm sure there's code in the basic templates (Smart) tha can be completely removed.

    I've also found something that suggest I could remove OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD"

    Also, as a general rule, once my site is stable, can I safely remove everything that is enclosed between '<!--' and '-->' ?

    Can anyone please provide me witha simple answer.

    Many Thanks

    You are best leaving the comment tags in the templates as they can help track down issues at a later stage - if you use the "compact cgi and HTML" option they will be removed when the page is compiled by Actinic. If you edit the main primary templates (design | options | layouts) you will see the yahoosection scripts in there .. best to comment them out to start with before totally deleting and testing back under Actinic.

    It may be worth creating a new Act_Primary template and applying this to a test section on the website - not an issue if everything is handcoded links - and testing any mods in that section only before going live and having to upload the whole site over and over

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Removing YahooSections is easy. Just look in your Primary Templates for YahooSections (there should be 2 occurrences). Each occurrence is within

      <script ....>


      Just delete that lot, inclusive.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

