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Live Site - your comments appreciated

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    Live Site - your comments appreciated

    Thanks everyone (and yes I mean everyone) for all your help over the past few months. This forum is an absolute gold mine of information and assistance and has been a great benefit to me. So even if you've never answered one of my posts the fact that I've been reading yours has been of great help... so thank you.

    My site is now live, and after receiving many positive constructive comments when my site was in test mode I'd like to hear some more comments on things I can change to make the site better.

    I've got many ideas but I need to prioritise my to do list and I'm hoping your comments will help.

    My site can be found at

    Thanks again.

    You mean

    Originally posted by remmo
    Thanks everyone (and yes I mean everyone) for all your help over the past few months. This forum is an absolute gold mine of information and assistance and has been a great benefit to me. So even if you've never answered one of my posts the fact that I've been reading yours has been of great help... so thank you.

    My site is now live, and after receiving many positive constructive comments when my site was in test mode I'd like to hear some more comments on things I can change to make the site better.

    I've got many ideas but I need to prioritise my to do list and I'm hoping your comments will help.

    My site can be found at

    Thanks again.


      As you say there's plenty to do. here's a few ideas:

      1. I like the yellow on the catalog pages, but it's a bit overpowering on the main page for my liking.

      2. The section pages, honey and bee pollen, need to have more related content. i.e. for each product, include a bit of text about the honey or bee pollen on offer. This will encourage people to dig deeper into the site and do wonders for your search engine ranking.

      3. The product pages (and/or subsection) might need a refocus. If I look at the manuka honey page all I see is lots of description about it's anti-bacterial properties. I could easily be wrong on this, but I assume the main reason people buy honey is because of it's taste. I would start with the important things and then go on to the secondary items.

      4. navigation is too deep. i.e. to get to the tasmanian manuka honey (where you can actually buy it) I have to make lots of click and navigate down to the bottom of the manuka honey page. The target should always be to get to anywhere on the website within 2 clicks and the navigation links should be visible without having to scroll down the page.

      5. Ps. Your links above has one 'r' too many.

      best of luck.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Wow that's fast...

        Yes I made a mistake on the URL it is

        Thanks for your comments Mike... I'll take those on board. About the Manuka Honey - it is sold primarily for it's health properties as it's taste isn't the most widely appreciated - hence the focus on it's medicinal properties.

        I'll give thought to the linking and probably reposition the links to the top of the page - I'd ideally want them between the "Title" and the text but I believe this is not possible.

        On the shop index page - the one listing honey and pollen - I agree it is very bare at the moment. I'd like to put more content there but I'm also putting up more sections - such as Propolis, Royal Jelly, Skin and Beauty products, Gifts and Homewares - so that should bulk things up a bit.

        About the two clicks rule - I'd assume that is from the main home page - ie point of entry.

