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Protx Problems - Pending PSP issue

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    Protx Problems - Pending PSP issue

    Has anyone any experience with orders not being confirmed by Protx Form?

    From other threads and tech support calls the Actinic process seems to be working.
    Orders (.ord files) are appearing on the server OK but no .ocx file is received from Protx.
    Customers are leaving Actinic and arriving @ Protx OK, after giving CC details and get confirmation they return to the receipt page.
    Protx are sending a confirmation of payment by email.
    On download orders go into Pending PSP because no confirm is received, I presume?

    Any help/advice on this gratefully received as Protx are not being very helpful.

    Check the permissions on the folder - is it possible they are blocking the creation of the ocx files?
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      Protx Problems - Pending PSP issue

      Good idea, not thought of that!
      Checked and all 777, read/write and execute, so no problems.



        Has this issue been sorted or is it still happening?

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Protx reply!

          Still not working, first reply was try re-entering secret key, done that, second reply was a new secret key, done that, this last reply from Protx, not very helpful.

          "Well we do not have any other possible explanations for this. The only thing I can think of is to close Actinic, re-start it and then re-publish the catalogue. If that fails too, you may want to query this with Actinic. Have a feeling though that they will suggest the same thing i.e ask your PSP to change the secret key.
          If they do make another suggestion and one that then fixes this problem, please advise use too.
          Regards Protx Support"

          I had asked after new secret key failed for some form of confirmation that a callback was initiated but this was the reply, I will ask again.
          URL -
          Main URL has a postcode filter on it so use the above to bypass.
          Any ideas ?


            Have you updated the *.ini file( I forget which one) by one

            But follow the instructions for setup and you will see what one i mean
            Chris Ashdown


              Thanks for the suggestion.
              We have incremented the version number in the OCCUpgrade.ini each time the secret key was updated or changed.



                I would suggest raising a support ticket @ as we will need to take a look at a snapshot of the site to see what exactly is happening.

                before you do that however, you seem to be on v7.0.3 and hence the new Protx protocol would not be a part of the PSPsetup.exe. Protx now uses a new prtocol called 2.22 which was introduced in v7.0.5, to get your version upto date you will have to download and run the new PSPsetup.exe. You can down load it from here. Run the file and then enter the latest information provided by PROTX and check if it works.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Thanks Bruce,
                  The site was built on Developer v7.04 and transferred to older version. My OCCProtx file shows version 2.2, and this went with the snapshot, but I guess all the OCC files need changing to latest versions.
                  I will download and try and report back.

                  Thanks for the assistance.


                    Same Problem

                    Just wondered if anyone fixed this. I think I maybe having the same problem. Everything seems to work fine until I download the order into Actinic. As already described I also have the orders downloading as payment pending. The exact error message is:

                    "The payment service provider authorisation downloaded for order number xxxxxx had an invalid signiture"

                    My only option is to press the OK button. When pressed it brings up the following error:

                    "An error occurred while reading a Payment Service Provider Authorisation. The file may have been corrupted in transfer from the server. Abort will cancel the download operation and leave the unprocessed PSP files on the web. Retry will try to transfer the file again. If you choose to ignore this error, the PSP file will be lost. If you ignore this error, the associated order “xxxxxx”, will be modified to have a payment method of “Send Credit Card Details Separately” and a status of “Waiting for CC details.”
                    Try downloading it again?"

                    My options are Abort Retry or Ignore. Abort does exactly that, retry keeps going through the same loop while ignore downloads the file as payment pending. I am running version 7.06 of Actinic and have rechecked and reinstalled the payment gateway. My encryption password is correct as are the permissions on the server. I haven't got as far as raising a question with Protx yet but from what has been already said it doesn't sound like they will be able to offer much help.

                    If anyone has a fix for this I would be interested to know what it is. If I have any joy with Protx or do manage to find a fix I will post it but in the mean time if anyone else can throw any light on this then I would be grateful for any input.


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                      Just to clarify this issue. The error shows 'Invalid Signature'. This usually means that the Secret Key does not match that at PROTX, so you have either typed it into the software incorrectly or PROTX have given you the wrong key or they have typed it into their server wrongly.

                      With regards to how the process should work:

                      With all PSPs, an order file is created on the server at the point where the customer is bounced over to the PSP. When the customer completes the PSP part a 'callback' is made to your server to let actinic know that the payment has been authorised. So, if the customer cancels the order while on the PSP server or if you happen to download your orders while a customer is currently completing the PSP part you will only get the order and not the callback so the order goes into the PSP Pending tab. The next time you download, the callback should be downloaded and that will move the order into the 'Pending' tab with a status of 'Full Payment Received'.

                      You will need to makes sure that you have got all your Protx account details / passwords in the correct places within your Actinic shopping cart settings.

                      NB: upgrading your Actinic resets all the passwords you may have entered previously.

                      PROTX Setup Check:

                      You need to make sure that you are using the correct vendorname and passwords in the correct place.

                      1. Protx VSP Vendorname:
                      - Entered into your Actinic business settings as 'MerchantID')

                      2. Protx Actinic Secret Key:

                      Entered into your Actinic business settings as secret key & confirm key (Only)

                      3. Protx Encryption password:

                      Entered into the file within your Actinic Directory (only)OccUpgrade/CommonOCC/ )

                      a.) Open in a text editor (like notepad. Do not use Word or
                      similar editor that adds formatting when files are saved).
                      Look for the lines:

                      # PROTX VPS Specific constants here

                      my $sPassword = 'testvendor';
                      my $sConfirmationEMail = '*****';

                      ...and enter your user specific 'encryption' password in the $sPassword field replacing testvendor.

                      **If you wish to receive e-mails from protx when a transaction is completed, cancelled,
                      not authorised etc. then enter your e-mail address in the $sConfirmationEMail field.
                      If you don't want them, leave it blank.

                      Save the file and close it.

                      b.) Increase the version number within the OCCUpgrade.ini, file located at the root of the OCCUpgrade folder.

                      At the top of the file are the lines that look like this:



                      Increment the Number by 1 and save the file. Close the editor.

                      c.) Open up your Actinic again and it should mentioned that a change has been made to your PSP.

                      Now update your site and place a test order, check to see if it downloads as PSP Pending or comes through as completed.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King


                        I am having the same issues regarding the "invalid Signature" error. At first, I had entered my PROTX Encryption password in the PSP configuration - Secret Key/Confirm Key fields.

                        After testing the payment gateway and getting the invalid signature error, I searched the forum and found this thread. So I contacted PROTX today who issued my Actinic Secret key.

                        I then updated the above settings, checked that was showing my Encryption Password and email address and finally, updated the version number in OCCUpgrade.ini by one.

                        After starting Actinic (which updated the payment details) I double checked I had entered the correct Actinic Secret Key and did a "Refresh Website" to ensure all changes had been uploaded.

                        But I'm still getting the "invalid signature" error. My PROTX VSP Admin screen is showing the transactions are being processed by PROTX, but there still seems to be something preventing the payment confirmation from being downloaded with the order.

                        I've been at this now for over 4 hours, checking both the Encryption password is stored correctly and I've entered the correct Actinic Secret Key and I'm getting no-where fast.

                        Any help / advice greatly appreciated!

                        Andy B



                          All fixed! Called PROTX who refreshed my account to ensure the Actinic Secret Key was active...


