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Section ID numbers

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    Section ID numbers

    I have almost succeeded in implementing an add to cart on extended info pages without popups. I do this with some simple coding and customvar. But need to pick up Section ID to make cart work.

    Where can I find it?
    Alan Johnson

    Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
    Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct

    The easiest/safest way is to view the source code of a published page on the server

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks Jont. This is how I got the pages working but is there no way to find it offline?
      Alan Johnson

      Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
      Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


        If you Preview and view source both e.g.

        <Actinic:SECTION BLOB=""/>



        are there.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Here's a little tweak that lets you optionally display the SID
          Displaying SID on each page
          In Actinic / Advanced / Custom Properties, create a property called:-
          In Design / Options / Site Defaults / Properties, click the "+" and select SHOWSID.
          Set its value to 1, Uncheck "Searchable" and check "Use as CUSTOMVAR".
          Go to Design / Text / Goto / Phase -1, ID 2281 and right click the entry and select Zoom.
          	change the line
          	<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SID" id="SID" VALUE="%s">
          OK out.
          Edit Act_ProductBody.html and look for the line
          Insert the following code immediately above it:-
          <script language="JavaScript">
          <!-- Show Section ID 
          if ( 0CUSTOMVAR:SHOWSID && document.getElementById("SID") ) document.write('SID: ' + document.getElementById("SID").value);
          This will now display the Section ID at the bottom of every product page.
          That's all patching done.
          Now preview your site (V7's live preview is fine) and at the bottom of every product page 
          you should see something like:-
          (if using XP-SP2 you may need to allow the display of active content)
          SID: 2
          You can turn off the display of "SID: n" on every page by going to Design / Options / Site Defaults / Properties
          and setting SHOWSID to 0.  
          Likewise if you add several new sections then just temporarily set SHOWSID to 1 to see what's new.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Norman you are a star!

            I was planning to hard code the SID parameter for each section with a customvar which would not be too onerous for site development/maintenance. This appears to be the only parameter missing for the cart input if you leave quantity input at the cart. Something like this and passing the parameter "SID" across to the info page should allow the cart to work properly and automatically!

            I'm going to take another look!

            It would be a lot easier though if Actinic made netquotevars work as common macros across all templates.

            Alan Johnson

            Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
            Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


              My Javascript skills are sadly lacking!! I can't figure out how to pass the required parameter across to the next page. So I've given up trying to be clever about this and resorted to manually configuring the Section ID as a CUSTOMVAR. Don't have that many sections so its easily maintained.

              Norman has detailed how to display the SID. Any suggestions how to pass it as a parameter to the info page gratefully accepted!
              Alan Johnson

              Quality Parrot Cages & Accessories by Parrotize UK
              Pet Accessories by Animal Instinct


                You can pass it as a parameter in the link to the page


                <a href="mypage.html?SID=2">MORE...</a>

                and in the called page do some JavaScript like

                var sid = location.href.replace(/.*\?SID=/, '');

                which basically strips everyhing out but the bit after ?SID=
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  how to... extended info buy now btn

                  "I have almost succeeded in implementing an add to cart on extended info pages without popups. I do this with some simple coding and customvar. But need to pick up Section ID to make cart work."

                  Hi animal dreams, could you share how you made a add to cart button show up?

                  Many thanks, Kris.


                    Thanks for that script Norman - finally got my Add to Cart working on the Extended Info pages. I had found a very long way of doing it, but this is much easier to use.


                      Hi all, I found the script on Norman's page which let you put a buy now button on the extended info page, but this will only work if the extended info page is a pop-up.

                      How do you go about getting a buy now button on a non-popup extended info page?

                      Many thanks!


                        To stop the Extended Info page being a pop-up, I changed the script in the Design - Text options (it's in there somewhere - you just need to remove the javascript popup part and leave a normal link address).

                        To get the 'Add to Cart' to work, I pretty much just looked at a normal product page which had the Add to Cart button on it, and copied the parts that I needed (the form and various hidden fields are required, including the SID as shown above). You then have to edit the template for the Extended Info page so that it's a complete page with menus, title, etc, instead of just a basic popup box.

                        Sorry that's all a bit vague - I've been slowly working on it over the past month or so and can't completely remember what I did now. Let me know if you have any questions.


                          Thanks - Im kind of in the same state as you, I have disbaled the popup already, but could not get the buy now button to work.

                          When you copied the bits from from a product page to the extended info page do you mean you copied NETQUOTEVAR's or the HTML from a "View Source"?

                          Is there any chance of you posting up your extended info page? Or emailing it privatly if you prefer? (kris AT

                          It would very much appricated!


                            I'm attempting to do this as well.

                            I find it hard to believe that this isn't something that can be easily accomplished in Actinic. In my opinion not being able to have seperate product pages with unique meta data for each prodcut (without having a section for each product) is a real failing of the software.

                            Now I've got that off my chest can anyone offer some more guidance with regard to,

                            A) Why the simple search function isn't working in the extended info page here

                            B) A complete idiot (me) step by step guide to getting the add to cart button working

                            Thanks all



                              That button appears to be a SUBMIT button but there are no <form ..> tags on the page to submit.

                              Likewise with the SIMPLESEARCH - that's meant to be part of a FORM as well.

                              You've not said what type of page this is (Normal product or Extended Info) so I can't comment further.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

