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Shopping Cart

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    Shopping Cart

    Ok, here's a new one (well three,actually) .... referring to the attached image, I'd be grateful if you could tell me how to:

    1). Get rid of the brackets next to the header 'Your Basket'

    2). Change the PRICE header to lower case.

    Also, I've a problem with the I've amended it according to the suggestion made in the 'Advanced User Guide' (page. 23) for 'Using Images for the Checkout Buttons' and now the Checkout phase doesn't work.

    I know the problem resides in the additional piece of script that you are required to insert because the problem doesn't occur when I upload the original, unaltered

    I've used Dreamweaver 3 and located where the extra code should go. I've tried cutting and pasting the code as well as typing it out manually when the former attempt didn't work.

    My questions are, is the code correct as indicated in the Advanced User Guide? Has anybody got the to work in this way?

    Attached Files

    1) You will find the text you need in 'Design | Options | Shop Defaults' in the 'Cart Table Price Column Header' field.

    2) I tend to open Act_ShoppingCartXML.html and replace



    Shopping Cart <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:CARTCAPTION -->

    With regards to the images for buttons, it does work (I have done in a number of times). Go back to an original set of Perl files and try copying and pasting the code in Notepad rather than Dreamweaver. Also, make sure you are using the Word version of the Advanced User Guide as it is much easier to copy and paste from.


      Thanks! I downloaded a newer version of Notepad and was able to use it to open up the and make the changes.

      It works! In fact, and I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but it appears that everything works now. So much so, that I'm afraid I may have overlooked something!

      I've yet to put live and recieve orders, mind you ... maybe I'll encounter more issues there, but for now, the site functions properly.

      A big thank you to everyone who helped me with their suggestions. The Virtual drinks are on me.


        Mine's a virtual pint

