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Paid work

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    Paid work

    I wonder if anybody out there is able to help me? I would be willing to pay but obviously would like an idea of cost and when it could be done.

    Our website is and we sell live online and recorded law lectures to solicitors, accountants and barristers.

    At present I put all the information about the lecture into a fragment.
    The fragment is very long and narrow (too narrow).

    What I would like to do is to create a two-columned fragment.

    The result would be a wide column (wider than at present) on the lefthand side to contain the information about the lecture (with a photo of the
    lecturer) with a narrower right hand column to take logos, images of other
    products or whatever (a bit like an upsell column but with the fragment rather than product at the bottom)

    If you look at the home page, the layout is more or less what I would want
    in terms of column width

    Is this possible to do?
    If it is and you would be interested in doing it what would be the cost?
    What would the timescale be?
    How easy would it be to add items to the right hand column - would these have to be hand coded into a template?

    Hope someone can help.

    Best wishes

    A simpler solution may be to break your current fragment into several fragments. You can then have your images down one side of the page and the text on the other. This would also give you the ability to link the images to other sections products.


      Thanks for your help.
      Do you mean to use a number of fragments instead of one?
      That is a very good idea.



        If you've not read it there's a section in the Advanced Users Guide about laying out fragments in columns.

        Another way to achieve a more flexible solution would be to embed html code in the fragment text, laying the fragment out in tables.



          Do you mean to use a number of fragments instead of one?
          Yes - make all the images for the fragments the same width so that they will fit under each other correctly. Then break up your text and create fragments with bits of text and the image using image and text for the layout.

          You just need to play about a bit with the text so the layout looks good.


            Hi Malcolm
            I've had a go just with one page as a test:


            I think this layout does what I want and also breaks up the page which is better.

            Thanks once again.

            Best wishes


              Looks good - and it saved you some money!!!

