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Component Name not showing??

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    Component Name not showing??

    Hi all,

    I am in the final stages of setting up my first Actinic site and am about to go live tomorrow and have hit a problem.

    In my product layout I am using VARIANTADDTOCARTBUTTON with the variant labels and selectors laid out on the template as I want them. This all worked fine.

    I have just tried to add an additional component which is a gift wrapping service.
    I added a new component, added the text, associated it with the correct product (which is hidden) and then ticked:
    Component as seperate order line
    Is optional
    Use associated product prices
    Use associated product tax
    Use associated product name

    I then added another NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTLABEL & VARIANTSELECTOR where I wanted this to appear.

    Unfortunately the text is not appearing (what I have written in HTML for name) but the tick box is.

    I tried it with ADDTOCARTBUTTON and it all shows up but when I go back to VARIANTADDTOCARTBUTTON the text disappears.

    I am assuming that the component should show up with the VARIANT labels. I have had a look on the forum and noticed that there have been problems in the past with VARIANTADDTOCARTBUTTON but should have been resolved with the latest version (I am on 7.06).

    Any one have any ideas??
    Mad 4 Ponies

    Have just found a thread that mentions that this is a bug in Actinic and that the issue was put forward for to be resolved, but I guess the fix didn't make it into 7.0.6.

    I saw Norms answer of adding an attribute with no choice to bring up the text for the component.

    That works but unfortunately you then can't use the component for the original choice which was to associate a product (Gift wrapping service) with the component for an up sell.

    I have instead had to create duplicates of all my product layout templates one with the addition option and one without as I can't see a way around it at the moment (Especially at this time of night!!!!)

    If anyone can shed some more light on this it would be greatly appreciated
    Mad 4 Ponies


      Try using NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTS rather than VARIANTLABEL and VARIANTSELECTOR for inserting the components/choices into the design.


        Originally posted by cdicken
        Try using NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTS rather than VARIANTLABEL and VARIANTSELECTOR for inserting the components/choices into the design.
        Gave this a try Chris but unfortunately this just lists all the variants and does not enable me to customize the product layout template.

        I need to be able to put the different VARIANTS in different locations within the template which this does not allow.

        Is there going to be a fix to this problem or is there another way around it without having to manually enter text direct into the HTML template which is the only way I have got it to work at the moment??

        Mad 4 Ponies


          Is there going to be a fix to this problem or is there another way around it without having to manually enter text direct into the HTML template which is the only way I have got it to work at the moment??
          There will not be a fix for this problem in v7 I'm afraid.

          THe only other workaround I can think of, other than the one you have described, is to use Embedded HTML in the Attribute 'HTML For Name' field for the first attribute in order to include the component details into the HTML. To use Embedded HTML, include standard HTML into a field in Actinic and then start the HTML expression with !!< and finish it with >!!.

