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SID at end on URL - WHY!!!?!?!?

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    SID at end on URL - WHY!!!?!?!?

    Why does the SID have to be in the url? Our sid's are liable to change when we update so a link to one of catalog sections becomes dead!



    if the SID for that section changes from 78 all links to it go dead.

    Anyway of having the SID taken out of the URL?


    Are you using V6? I thought the use of numbers at the end of the url stopped at V5.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      yes V6 and on another site V7, both have SID's at the end of url's but then they have all been upgraded through the years from earlier versions.

      How then do I reset it so sid's are no longer in the url?


        You can use the 'Page Name' field within the 'Layout' tab of a section to fix your page names for your sections in v6.


          We update the site with a simple flat file so Im not sure if we can configure our output to include the page name field for each catagory.

          If we did would it be just a case of sticking the page name in each row?


          Catagory | Product Title | Description | Price | Image | Page Name


          Is there not away to keep the file name based on the catagory name but without the SID stuck on the end.


            Yep - you can include the desired filename in the import file and then map it to the Section Page Name field in the Import Wizard.

            No great suggestions for automating this - I guess an Excel query can add .html on the end quite easily but you also need to strip out any special characters or spaces. A 'Find and Replace' could do this initially for you.

