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Error message: "String data, right truncated"

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    Error message: "String data, right truncated"

    We get this message when trying to download new orders.

    "String data, right truncated"

    After pressing "OK" we get:

    "An unexpecetd database error occurred while reading the order"

    And then:

    "An error occurred while reading an order. The file may have been corrupted in transfer from the server. Abort will cancel the download operation and leave the unprocessed orders on the web. Retry will try to transfer the file again. If you choose to ignore this error, the order will be lost.

    Try downloading it again?"

    Any ideas anybody?


    Hi there,

    Please try the following steps.

    1) Please go to 'Advanced | Network Setup | Test' and check whether it comes up with any error message. If not, try downloading the orders again.

    2) (a) If you still have the problem, go to 'House Keeping | Compact database' Check both 'Catalog' and shipping' and close Actinic.

    (b) Now go to 'C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1' open 'ActinicCatalog.mdb

    (c) Go to 'Tools | Database Utilities | Compact and Repair Database'.

    (d) Now open Actinic and try downloading the orders.


      String data, right truncated

      We have just upgraded V8.5.0.0 to V8.5.2.0 multi-user and am suffering the above problem as well.

      We imported a site snapshot and followed the upgrade options selecting the upgrades as recommended. The site upgrades and all settings, products, etc. appear fine. However, when we try to upload/refresh the web site (or even new upload in TEST MODE) we get the String data, right truncated error and Actinic drops out of the program while holding onto the data file (i.e. we have to Re-Start the PC to get access back).

      We've followed all the above suggestions without success and Actinic support have looked at the database and assure me it's working fine!! Can anyone out there shed some light on the problem? If so, we'd love to hear from you.

      Also in case it's relevent, we use Atctinic Link from Sage Line 50 to create products and sections and if we do a fresh Import into the default database that works fine.

      Rebuilding the shop from Sage Link will take a couple of days and a last resort, does anyone have a solution?

      Sean McMenemy
      Ark Wildlife Ltd


        I think the answer you are looking for is in this thread. Actinic supports product references up to 20 characters, but with duplicates, extra characters can be added onto the end of the product references, which causes Actinic to fall over. Best solution is to check your product references and make sure there are none over 15/16. That will prevent problems in the future.


          Sean - we could really do with seeing your snapshot in order to help us nail this problem permanently. I've sent you an email with some FTP details to upload it to. Many thanks.


            Hi Chris

            This has already been passed to 'Development' at your end but I've heard nothing back from them, so far.

