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Trial and error with product layout

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    Trial and error with product layout

    Hi Guys,

    Focusing more on the error side of things!

    I have adjusted the layout for the products, I have added a logo which is used on certain plants which has achieved the award and if clicked on a pop window is generated.

    Messing around with any templates generally have side effects, in this case component discription (“+ Postage”) has appeared under the quantity box instead of under the Price.

    To see the problem Top product "Award of Garden Merit "

    I have tried some many solutions, I just keep on messing them up, can anyone help and is there away of reducing the pop up window in size and having no tool bars so a simple window?

    Thanks Mash

    Re Popup. Replace

    <a href="Act_AGM-Info-Window.html" target="_blank">


    <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('Act_AGM-Info-Window.html', 400, 300)">

    and this will open a similar popup to the More Information one. You can change the 400, 300 sizes to suit.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thank Norman, that is superb, spot on, works really well. In away it is adding a second information box to each product, just wanted to explain or inform the customer what the logo meant.

      I have also added 'New product logo' not seen on that page but you can see it on ~ Cut & Come Again Salads

      I wanted to be able to search on either these characteristics, show me new products or show me all the Award of merit, would this be easy to do?

      Slightly different problems there, has anyone got ideas on being able to re align the '+postage' with price, bottom line is what have I messed up by adding this logo.

      Again thanks Norman, really appreciated that, good start to the day. Kind regard Mash


        what have I messed up by adding this logo
        Onlly you can see the Templates involved. The web-site only shows the result. It's either in Act_ProductPrice.html or in your Product Template. If you post these here someone may notice what's wrong.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Please find the templates in the attached zip file.

          Attached Files


            I'm stumped. The word Postage appears nowhere in these templates.

            I also see that on it appears after the Quantity box on the first product but before it on all others.

            I suggest you use Windows Search facility to scan all files in your Site1 folder looking for "Postage" and see if that helps locate it.

            Alternatively look in Design / Text / Search for "Postage".
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              '+ Postage' is associated with a component of the product. For us to deal with delivery charges spreadover different delivery times, I set up a product called March-PandP, April-PandP, etc., then added a component to each product called 'postage' which is then linked with associated pricing with the correct postage charge.

              Quite complex but it does work, so the wording '+ postage' comes from this component which is useful.

              The first product on that page is with the new template, the rest with the old template. If you look at the 'new product logo' on New product logo examples, i have had to do that differently to the Award as trying to do it the same by adding extra column it causes the '+ postage' to move again!

              Confussed, I am!


                If Postage comes from a Component name then this is part of NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON.

                This variable layous out the Cart Button (or skips it if you're using single Add to Cart) and also displays all Components, Attributes and Choices.

                The Advanced Guide has some information on creating a custom layout instead of the default Add to Cart one. Look there for variants.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Hi, have gone through the Advance Guide and help on V7, I think I have tracked down were the component is coming from but it does not explain the move from one location to the other.

                  Quantity field
                  Quantity field for products when this is being shown of product pages.

                  Also inserts the components, attributes and choices.
                  Format from Design | Text | Web Site | HTML
                  I did a search of the Design | Text | Web Site | HTML which crashed Actinic, searched again could not find reference to it.

                  Thought I would redesign the template to see if I had done anything werid but same problem, I may just have to live it for the time being, it will bug me, umm. The battle I am going to win tonight will be the email template.

                  Thanks for your help.


                    Component names come from the Template aptly named Act_VariantComponentName.html
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Hi, just got to late to deal with this last night, had a problem with checkout and then Actinic would stop responding during 'Refresh', was not a smooth process.

                      Had a look at some of my templates, looks like I had done this in the distant past, can not remember it at all, anyway I have applied the changes and pretty pleased with the results.


                      Disappointed in the distance between price and the quantity, it is a lot tigther on the old product layout and the product name I could not get it to match the old layout had to add
                      <FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE="+1">
                      . I seem to have templates with css instructions and hard coded templates, added a new
                      to see if that would do it but no. Have attached template examples for anyone to comment on.

                      Norman thanks for your time and patiences, take care Mash
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by mash; 11-Apr-2006, 09:02 AM. Reason: Forgot the attachments and the link did not work!


                        Hi Mash,

                        Do you mind just confirming how you would like the product details to be positioned?

                        I'm looking at this page
                        at the first product.

                        So you want to move the quantity box up a bit, maybe on the same line as the price or do you want to move it over to the left a bit?

                        Toby Blanchard


                          Hi Toby

                          Thanks for your reply. If you are looking at the page, I would like the products with 'award of merit' to be tighter like the Pumpkin ''Jack O'Lantern'' (4th product down).

                          So the quantity to come on the next line after the last bit of information, in these cases it is the price information.

                          I noticed that the '+ postage' comes in an odd place on the Selection Packages being after the quantity and before the add to basket button (using 1 button for each product). I thought I could use
                          this will of course remove the added to cart button and I want each product to have that so at the moment I am proverbial snookered. Haven't had time to read the Advanced guide again which I will try to do over Easter.

                          Any thoughts would be gratefully received, thanks Mash


                            Hi Mash,

                            If you are looking at the page, I would like the products with 'award of merit' to be tighter like the Pumpkin ''Jack O'Lantern'' (4th product down).
                            The product layout tht you use for the 'award' products has the 'quantity' box in a cell of it's own. You need to move NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTQUANTITY into the same cell as your award image and delete the cell that it was in. Also, I think the cell that your product image is in has a 'rowspan="2"', so you would need to get rid of that too.

                            I noticed that the '+ postage' comes in an odd place on the Selection Packages being after the quantity and before the add to basket button (using 1 button for each product).
                            That is because you are using a different template where NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON is bringing in the component list so you would need to follow the Advanced User Guide to split the variants from the add to cart button.


                              Hi There

                              That is because you are using a different template where NETQUOTEVAR:ADDTOCARTBUTTON is bringing in the component list so you would need to follow the Advanced User Guide to split the variants from the add to cart button
                              I will look at this at the weekend when also I have to complete that delivery date changes.

                              Issue now is thinning down the product layout, made suggested changes and see attached file for results, not ideal, unsure how to get around it.
                              Attached Files

