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Search ends up in checkout

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    Search ends up in checkout

    I've just noticed that when you search on our site and there are results, these show in a "normal shop page" (ie Act_Primary), but when there are no results, the message to this effect appears in our checkout page format and then automatically reverts to the main shop after a few seconds. Is this, er, normal?!
    Thanks in advance for any help. Mark H.

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

    Yes - it is. I've also never understood why that's the case though.


      Thanks Duncan - the particular problem I have is that our checkout pages don't just look the same as the others without buttons - they have "you are now in checkout" in large bright green letters! Any thoughts from Actinic - is this in the PERL?

      Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


        Sorry - don't know how the page is generated. We have a similar issue in that we have some safe shopping info at the bottom of the page. If you cant find out then perhaps you could reword your text on that page to something like that instead.



          You both will be interested in this thread then...

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Hi Bruce - forgive me if I've misunderstood the contents of the thread you refer to, but the problem is not the page that a null search returns to - that is fine - the issue is that the message "no results found etc" appears in a checkout page, not in the main shop page format, as it does if results are found. I looked at the PERL file referred to but my PERL is not good enough to see if this could be changed. Regards, Mark H.

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              is this because the template used by the checkout is the same one used by contact and search ie

              act_primarycheckout.html instead of act-primary.html


                It appears that search (I don't know about contact) is using two different templates - Act_Primary if it finds results, and whatever template is used for checkout if it doesn't. We do use Act_Primary for the main shop, but we don't use Act_Primary or Act_Primarycheckout for our checkout phase - we use a modified template which is called Act_AT_checkout.

                Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                  Hi there,

                  I'm afraid I cannot replicate this.

                  Could you try making a copy of Act_Primary.html and renaming it to Act_PrimaryCheckout.html and see if this helps.

                  Actinic Software

