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Body Html, CSS & SEO

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    Body Html, CSS & SEO

    Greetings Everyone

    This maybe a stupid question but i would like to know if any of the community has any ideas or are we just being stupid & everything is fine.

    First off here's our code for our Act_Primary.html page:

    <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->
    <!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail -->
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    _uacct = "UA-115227-1";
       <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
       <!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERMETA -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/screen.css" media="screen" />
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="upsellsupport.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <style type="text/css">
    .style1 {color: #000000}
    <body OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD">
    <table id="container" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    		<td id="header"><a href=""><img src="header.jpg" alt="Trampolines, Climbing Frames, Above Ground Pools, Giant Chess Sets" width="750" height="118" border="0" /></a></td>
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    					<div class="header"><!-- fix IE--></div>
    					<div class="title">Browse Products:</div>
    					<ul class="content"><li><a href="">Garden Games</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Trampolines</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Climbing Frames </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Above Ground Pools </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Croquet Sets</a> </li>
    							<li><a href="">Table Games</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Giant Chess</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Ride on Toys</a></li>
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    							<li><a href="">Remote Control Toys</a></li>
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    					<div class="title">Top Sellers :</div>
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    							<li><a href="">Pool Tables</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Snooker Tables </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Outdoor Table Tennis </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Air Hockey Tables </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Table Football </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Round Trampolines </a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Trampoline Padding</a> </li>
    							<li><a href="">Ride on Toys</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Sledges</a></li>
    							<li><a href="">Remote Control Toys</a></li>
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    				 <div class="footer"><!-- fix IE--></div>
    				<td width="560" valign="top" id="content">
    					<!-- start content cell -->
    				    <font size="2">NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN
    <!-- If customer accounts are in operation following two lines allow displaying -->
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    <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:LOGINLINK --><!--<Actinic:NOWSERVING/><Actinic:CURRACCOUNT/><Actinic:LOGOUT_SIMPLE/><br>-->
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          <div id="copyright">Big Game Hunters &copy; 2005</div></td>
    What our issue is if you look in the code above, Google comes through and reads a load of Jargon before it actually gets to the main body info where the ranking is & this in turn degrades our page rank. For instance as you can see above, since google reads our home link first, we probably no1 in the world on the phrase home.

    Is there anyway we can move the body down without losing the design, or could you hard code 2 body tags into the page or does actinic sort this all out & we just being picky ?

    Would you think this would affect our rankings?

    All comments welcome..

    Big Game Hunters
    Trampoline Specialists - Etoyszone Trampolines
    Trampolines and Outdoor Toys - Garden Games
    Table Tennis Table - Table Tennis Specialist Shop
    Trampoline Brand Information - Trampolines 4 Sale
    Climbing Frames - Wooden Climbing Frames
    Trampoline Specialist Blog
    Table Tennis Blog

    You can only have the 1 <body> tag per page

    You can remove the flow of the page using CSS to position the various parts of the page to look like the existing but viewed by a search engine (removing the css formatting) all the "juicy" bits are at the top of the page. This would mean a complete rebuild of all the site.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I would have a look at your source code in ie view source - it looks unlike the standard Actinic code. Lots of big spaces, compressing the code may help.


        I see your point jont, was hopping it wouldn't come to that. But you agree that would afect our rankings ?
        Big Game Hunters
        Trampoline Specialists - Etoyszone Trampolines
        Trampolines and Outdoor Toys - Garden Games
        Table Tennis Table - Table Tennis Specialist Shop
        Trampoline Brand Information - Trampolines 4 Sale
        Climbing Frames - Wooden Climbing Frames
        Trampoline Specialist Blog
        Table Tennis Blog


          All other things being equal then "probably" yes (maybe Malcolm could confirm also) - it is another step in the right direction.

          As ever it is a small cog in a very big equation with lots of other factors coming in to play. I would ensure all your other SEO tactics are fully up to scratch before embarking on this as the results could be very minor if negligible ... if you go down this route make it part of an overall ground-up redesign of the site with SEO in mind before you even put pen to paper ...

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            You need to set a baseline before you do anything, as jont says a redesign without a plan is a bit of a waste of time. I would carry out a complete analysis of your website with SEO in mind.

            Why are you concerned? all your pages are indexed, you are No1 for outdoor garden games? I think there are other areas you could explore before a redesign which may only give a marginal improvement. One question - why have you changed the doc type of the template?


              Am i missing something? but why don't you simply tidy up the code? for example why is the google analytics code at the top of the page, this can go to the base. Other than that it looks quite clean to me

              <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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              <!--@act NETQUOTEVAR:P3PFULLPOLICYLINK -->
              <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/screen.css" media="screen" />
              <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
              <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="upsellsupport.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
              <body OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD">
              What specifically are you looking to acheive from a major makeover?

              How do you think you could acheive it?
              What specific outcomes are you looking for from SEO?

