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Defining Page Titles for Google

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    Defining Page Titles for Google

    Sorry - long question - I am trying to optimise each product's page title for Google. Our shop has one product per section (so that we can have thumbnail selection of each product), and so far the page title for a product is defined by Actinic using the section name for that product. Ideally I would like to import "page title" from the spreadsheet which runs the whole shop, but for some reason this is not available in flat file (WISH LIST PLEASE) and I lose the will to live every time I try to use hierarchical. So - back to the section name - this is OK, but I get an error when I try to import section names ("section text") over 50 characters. This is pretty limiting given that the section name also includes the section(s) above, so page titles defined this way are too short. I have looked at the database and the section text is "memo" so there shouldn't be a problem there - is there a way of getting round the 50 limit - or is there a much better way to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks for your help, Mark H.

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

    Hi Mark,

    but I get an error when I try to import section names ("section text") over 50 characters. This is pretty limiting given that the section name also includes the section(s) above, so page titles defined this way are too short.
    The 50 character limit is for each individual section. You can put as many characters as you like into the cell for the 'Section Text' as long as each section name is less than 50 characters - they should be separated by the '|' symbol. I have just tried this out and it worked for me.

    I'm afraid that you can't change the character limit for this field as it is determined by the software code and not the database, although it looks like this issue has been addressed in v8.

    I would like to import "page title" from the spreadsheet which runs the whole shop, but for some reason this is not available in flat file (WISH LIST PLEASE)
    Added to wishlist.


      Thanks Tracey - looking forward to V8! In the meantime I'm going to go the route of using a Customvar for the page titles - the difference between 50 and 80 characters is quite important to me (and Google!). I've just written a macro to write a spreadsheet in hierarchical format from the flat file format to remove some of the pain.......

      Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


        Wow!! Did someone mention something about v8?
        Location: North Yorkshire UK


          50 and 80 characters is quite important to me (and Google!).
          Google only reads the first 40 characters (including spaces) this is to block spaming.


            Thanks Malcolm - as with many issues to do with Google, there seem to be different views on this - including this article (27 March 2006) which claims that Google indexes over 1,000 characters in the title!


            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              It does, and that was true in the past, it then goes on to say

              Length of Your Title: When creating titles for your webpages, remember that anything more than 63 characters is mostly superfluous.

              Although Yahoo will display up to 112 characters and MSN up to 70, by limiting your <title> tags to Google's limit of 63 or less, you're increasing your chances you'll get your entire <title> tag displayed on all three major engines.
              I still recon the ideal is 40 or less

