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    Good morning all!

    Probably a simple problem but..
    my site looks untidyand i want to create a uniform look for my pics. I import from photo shop and all images are the same size,but when i upload them they are out of line and just look a mess.
    I want to get more images on the "title" page,How?

    All advice gratefully received

    Sue Derry for the perfect garden gift

    Are these live on a site for someone to take a look at the generated page code? .... it could be one of several things in any of the many templates Actinic uses ... although if they are all the same size they should be appearing OK (you would imagine!!)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Welcome to the forum Sue.

      There are probably other ways. Mine is grindingly slow and tedious, but I did it with almost 500 images and it worked out to my liking. I tried several software applications to do them as a group, but nothing worked because my images were all different sizes.

      In MS Picture Manager, using 'resize image', I determined the best size for me with one image and saved it as my target size. I put an ending number on it for the reduced percentage of the original size. Then the second image. Using the first reduction percentage as a guide I would try that first, then add that picture to a section and compare the two images in preview. If it was wrong I would make a new copy of the original and start over. Little less reduction or little more reduction. Some images took as many as ten tries to get right. All took at least five. After a while you get a feel for the reduction or enlargement needed and it gets easier. One hassle was that I had to use a new copy of the original each time to work with. You can only resize an image once. Otherwise, it loses quality and goes out of focus.

      There are two ways that I know of to get an image on your brochure pages. The first is to add it when you create a page fragment. This is done on the general tab where you input the fragment title. Choose your layout and then select your image with the 'browse' button. The second is to hard code the image into the fragment itself. If you do this you will have to drag a copy of the image into the preview folder for it to show in preview. You will also have to add it to 'Additional Files' found under the Advanced on the tool bar so it will upload and show online.

      Repost if my sizing method is too far fetched for your tastes. Maybe somebody has a better way.

      You can see the result of my image efforts here if you click around awhile.


        thanks for your prompt responses I'll have a look and see what I can do.

        The site is

        Talk to you in a bit

        Sue Derry for the perfect garden gift


          Hi Sue

          Welcome to the forum, just as a gentle indroduction, it is useful for us who reply to threads if the thread has a meaningful title rather than "help" you thread could have called "image alignment" for example. I only mention this for the future...

          I looked at this page

          and am not sure what you mean by the page being untidy, all the images are the same width, although not the same height

          What specifically do you want to change



            in photoshop, you can batch process files, based on macros.

            essentially, load one image manipulate it while recording your actions, then apply the same actions to a folder or grouop of folders.

            'make web gallery' in the photoshop batch options creates two convenient folders in its final output. 'images' and 'thumbnails'.

            the sizes of these images are set using photoshop. not rocket science

            now as for the heights. its possible using the thumbnails generated by the above principle, to set a boundry size, and ahve both the width and the height constrain to that number, regardless of the images portrait, or landscape.

            then applying a 'set the canvas to this arbitary size' batch to these images will result in set sized images, that all fit in nicely, but with borders, across the top, or bottom, obviously depentant on the nature of the image.

            i had to do this for over 1500 products and variations. and everything went swimmingly.

            20 mins and it was done on a fast computer.

            and, on a side note, actinic wont accept same name images for thumbnails and main images for products. so i used a tool called 'oscars batch renamer'.

            i found free on teh intarweb, someplace, to put '-thumb.jpg' on the end of the images.

            sory for the technicallness.
            Last edited by gabrielcrowe; 23-Jun-2006, 11:23 AM. Reason: damn crackers typos make it look like i'm a spacecase.

