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Help on product section layout

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    Help on product section layout

    Hello everyone, I need to have my description underneath the product thumbnails as they are currently appearing on the right and when viewed by 800x600 it does not fit on the page.

    Also anyone who uses top2toe,norcat and actinic, does anyone know how to save the prices of the items that appear by the thumbnail pictures after you import each time? Its a real pain having to manually input each price in every time I import new stock data into actinic. At the moment I have left them so they appear blank due to a lot of imports and uploades.

    Just wanted to say a big thankyou to Norman at Norcat who has created a great patch which now allows dynamic images on my main product pages. The guys a genius.

    Any help on these 2 problems would be greatly appreciated.

    Regards James

    I need to have my description underneath the product thumbnails as they are currently appearing on the right and when viewed by 800x600 it does not fit on the page.
    edit your sectionline template so the table is 2 rows rather than 2 columns



      Thanks for your reply but I want to keep the 3 row layout as it looks better. I just need to find out how to put the description below the image rather than at the side. I am not very good with html I just know how to use dreamweaver.

      Regards James


        my solution does just that, the sectionline template controls the layout of just one section, there is an additional setting with in actinic where you tell it how many sections per line etc- thats where you have defined 3 per line


          What Jo meant was that you need to edit Act_SectionLine.html to chage the layout of the table there. You can still have as many across as you want. This might do it:
          <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
          <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a section title -->
          <DIV ALIGN="LEFT">
          		<TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="TOP">
          		<TD ALIGN="center" VALIGN="MIDDLE">
          			<br><span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span>
          <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a section title -->
          <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->
          As for the prices against the sections, there's no way Norcat knows that you only have one product in the section so it can't put any price in automatically.

          A simple work-around would be to use an image editor to add bottom border to your section images (the s_.... ones) and put the price in there (most image editors allow you to paste text onto an image).

          You would, of course, have to remember to re-do this is you change the actual product price.

          There's also an option in Norcat / Config / Headers to add custom text or images to Sections but it's very tricky to use and maintain. This is covered in the Norcat Installation and Configuration documentation - look for "Headers".
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I only got mine the way I wanted after alot of playing around with the template manager , and there are still a few things that I am not happy with



              You have done it again!

              Thankyou again Norman, worked perfectly as you can see:



              Regards James

