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Products/Sections Disapearing!?

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    Products/Sections Disapearing!?

    Lo all,

    We have recently been doin a huge overhaul of the layouts on one of our websites ( and we noticed that pretty much all of the products in one of our sections have just disapeared.

    The problem is, we noticed that they are not on the previous snap shot, but are there on the snapshot we took before that, and because so much work is being done on the layouts (each page having a custom layout) we are not in a position to fiddle at the moment.

    Hayley, who maintains the products on Bathroom Express said that something similar happened not so long ago, but 'they just came back' when she restarted. This isn't happening now.

    Luckily its not too much work, just slightly worrying.

    Any ideas?

    Hi Ben,

    I'm not sure why the sections and products are missing from your catalog, but you could reinstate them if you have a snapshot.

    1. Firstly, take a snapshot of your current site and keep it safe.
    2. Then, import the old snapshot which contains the missing sections and products.
    3. Close Actinic completely.
    4. Go to 'C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1' or whatever site you are working on and copy 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' to your desktop
    5. Open Actinic and re-import the latest snapshot.
    6. Now, go to 'C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1' and just replace the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' with the one on your desktop.
    7. As you made changes only to your layouts, you'll get your sections and products back and at the same time will retain the custom layout.

    Hope this helps.
    Suresh Babu G

