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Slight Problem with Images

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    Slight Problem with Images


    I am in a spot of bother and wonder if someone can give me a little advice.

    I have recently updated out site and the images appear to be fine on my computer. However, when I look at the site from my partner's computer and her laptop which uses a different ISP, no images appear in the left or right hand columns.

    The web address is

    Does anyone else have this problem. I have included the L/R images in the site1 folder and I think the coding is correct (for a novice)!

    Many thanks in advance


    I can't see the images.
    Did you add the images to the Additional Files List in Actinic?


      They are being referenced to your hard drive. You need them all in the site 1 folder for Actinic to work correctly.

      Ooops I see you have done that


        You could also try referencing them with the full URL ie:


          Hi there drounding, thanks for your quick response.

          I was about to say yes, but actually the files I added were from my own documents folder and not from the site1 folder. I have now added the files to the Additional files folder.

          Do they still need to be added to the Additional files folder if they have been coded in? Are they not uploaded by actinic? (If that makes sense).

          Upload has been completed - any difference now


            You say you have added them to the Additional File 'Folder'? Did you add them in Actinic as Additional Files?
            eg I can't see this image when typed in my browser directly:


              YEs, as additional files: advanced|additional files and then added in the images from the site1 folder.

              is that right?


                Another thing I noticed is that you have chosen to name your store homepage (not your domain homepage) as shop.html instead of the usual index.html or similar. Because of this I can type:
                and get a directory listing of your acatalog folder. I recommend you change that.


                  Originally posted by csw
                  YEs, as additional files: advanced|additional files and then added in the images from the site1 folder.

                  is that right?
                  I can see the files are on your server but the reference is wrong in your Act_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary templates. Change the reference to the full URL (as I mentioned above) and it should work.


                    Thanks, if I change that to index.html (for example), do I need to change anything else, or is that just a name?

                    I am assuming that is done in Site defaults|Base page name?

                    Sorry for all the lame questions!!!


                      That's correct. Nothing else needed to change the page name - just upload.


                        One last thing I hope....

                        When you say change the reference, what exactly do you mean by that? Do I have to change the html coding, or do I call the image ""?



                          I also notice that your image references are not the correct case. You should ensure that the image names are absolutely correct. I see that in your template you reference TPN200PLUS.jpg yet on the server the file name is TN200Plus.jpg
                          It is important to correct them - another reason why they may not show up.


                            Originally posted by csw
                            One last thing I hope....

                            When you say change the reference, what exactly do you mean by that? Do I have to change the html coding, or do I call the image ""?

                            First try correcting the image names to the right case.


                              Then in your ACt_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary templates change the image references you have to the full URL eg:

