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Shopping Cart & Checkout: Automatic Remove

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    Shopping Cart & Checkout: Automatic Remove


    At present, within my Shopping Cart and Checkout pages, to remove a product, the customer needs to tick the remove box then select update.

    Is it possible to make the product automatically remove as soon as the box is ticked or turn the tickbox into a button which again automatically updates.

    Basically, I want the existing Update button to only be required to Update Qty.

    I'm sure this must be possible but I cant find a previous post on it.

    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog

    Hi Paul,

    I haven't seen this requested before but I'll ask our development team if it is possible for you.


      Thanks. My customers are finding the need to complete a tick box and then do an update confusing !?!!?!

      KJ Beckett
      Men's Clothing & Accessories
      Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
      Bath, England
      Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
      Men's Fashion Blog


        Hi Paul,

        I'm afraid that our development team are saying that this is not possible as it would require the script to check if the checkbox has been ticked, if it is does, then run the script again for it to update.

        I think it is better to have the 'update' button because if a customer wants to delete more than one item, they will have to wait for it to refresh each time and what if the customer accidentally ticked the wrong box, the item would disappear before they could check it and they would then have to add it to basket again.

        You might just want to put a message in the cart page to explain what needs to happen (maybe at the top of Act_ShoppingCartXML.html template).

