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single add to cart button position

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    single add to cart button position

    I currently have multiple add to cart buttons on one of my pages. I would like to reduce this to a single add to cart button.

    At the moment if I select "single add to cart" the button appears at the very bottom of the page. I would like it to appear between the last product and the "More Details" orange text. Please refer to

    Any ideas how to do this?

    Try this. Put a text only fragment where you want the button. Into that fragment's description put

    !!<<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Add Selection To Cart" NAME="SINGLEADD">>!!

    You'll still have the one at the bottom of the page and either will do the job.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman,

      That works in that it puts the button in the place and the button works. Now how to go about getting rid of the button that appears at the bottom of the page.

      Some things to note:
      The above code shows the "Add Selection To Cart" button even if multiple "Add to Cart" buttons are visible - only where the fragment was inserted not at the base of the page.

      I am using customised images for my cart buttons however this code gives the "standard button". How could I make this change to the customised image?

      Then if I remove my customised image from the "Single Button Template" and leave it blank or put a blank spacer in it will it become "invisible"?

      I think I've got some things to keep me occuppied here... if only I didn't have to part company with my PC for a week (I've managed to break something )

      I'll put this on the list of things to do. Thanks for the help and any new ideas welcome.


        If you have a customised button for your Single Add then use something like

        !!<<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="btn_addtocart.gif" NAME="161" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="30" BORDER="0" ALT="Add Selection To Cart">>!!

        If you want to remove the standard Actinic Single Add to cart then edit Act_ProductBody.html and comment out


        e.g. replace it with


        Note that this will remove it from every page so you'll have to remember to use the fragment trick on all Single Add to Cart pages.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks Norman. YOu have helped another of our clients.

          I would like to buy you a beer at some time for all the help you have provided.

          Kindest regards


            Hi Norman,

            Thanks for the advie... I've finally gotten my laptop back after the repairs so I've tried to use the code above. When I use the code for the "standard image" it all works. Also when I use the code for the custom image. However for reason I am not getting the customised image to show up. The link works but the image just isn't there. Any ideas?


              As always, posting a link helps immensely.

              My only suggestion without seeing the page is that you have to keep such images in the Site folder, check Use as CUSTOMVAR and File Name, against image properties to make sure they appear correctly on Preview and that they upload.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Thanks Norman,

                I haven't as yet uploaded the affected pages - so I can't post a link. I will try the customvar approach - as I have been inserting the image code straight into the text box. I'll get back and let you know how it went.

                The image is in the site 1 folder. Because when I selected "image only" in layout format and then insert the image name into the image box the image appears. It just won't appear when I insert the image name in the text box.


                  If you hard code an image and only see a [X] instead of the image, you may need to upload it via Advanced / Additional Files (so the live pages can find it) and also put a copy into PreviewHTML (so it will show on Previews).
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    most strange!

                    Have just uploaded the page to a test site and everything appears as it should - however in the software it is still showing the x in the box for the image.

                    Thanks for all the help Norman


                      Just before I go...

                      In the code:
                      !!<<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="btn_addtocart.gif" NAME="161" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="30" BORDER="0" ALT="Add Selection To Cart">>!!

                      what does the "NAME" bit do? The 161 seems to correspond to my product id number.

                      Can I leave this out - to make it simpler to cut and paste the fragment? or does this need to be in there and I'll need to hardcode the bit for each section?


                        Whoops. That 161 is a typo. It should be
                        !!<<INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="btn_addtocart.gif" NAME="SINGLEADD" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="30" BORDER="0" ALT="Add Selection To Cart">>!!
                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

