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Pricing import with groups

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    Pricing import with groups

    I'm new to Actinic, using the demo download of Business at the moment but encountering a few problems and also have a few general questions.

    First Problem/Question
    I have created a spreadsheet for import, this works ok in adding products, creatign sections and entering short and long descriptions etc. It also imports the price and image filename etc.

    The problem I have encountered however is in offering differing prices dependent on the customers account. This is to offer either trade or retail prices, however the discounts vary from product to product as we manufacture numerous items ourselves and some come from outside sources. Basically I would like to have the standard retail price to the general public and when a trade account holder logs in they get the trade price. The only way I have found to do this is by manually adding a different price in the "Prices" tab of the product details as the discounts and surcharges setting does not work in the way I want it to. Is there a way to do this via my csv import and if so what would be the field title for this.

    My other questions are regarding Froogle, in short how do I go about creating a link with Froogle and are other similar systems such as Kelkoo accesible via Actinic and if so how do I go about connecting to these.

    Thanking you all in advance.

    Hi Chris,

    Importing the different price schedules is not possible using a flat import file but can be done using an hierarchical file. The below community thread deals with the same issue and it would help you as well...

    Also more info regarding froogle and kelkoo can be found on the below links...


