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Adding a new report

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    Adding a new report


    I want to add a new report to the order processing!

    We use a modified Invoices.rpt to send to the customer a modified dataentry.rpt for internal use, and a modified orders.rpt for internal use. This works fine for most orders, but now I want to add a new report, similar to invoices but without the prices and payments details. I know that's more or less what orders.rpt was supposed to be for, but I've already hijacked that one. I'd also like it to appear in the menu that appears when the "Reprint Invoices" button is clicked in the Line Items tab.

    Creating the report is not an issue, getting it integrated with Actinic Catalog 7 is my stumbling block.

    Any ideas,


    Hi David,

    I dont think this is possible, the intergartaion part, but will pass this to development to comment on. Will update you as soon as I hear back from them.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi David,

      My brain must be fried !!! Take a look on page 74 of the Advanced Users Guide, 'Adding Your Own Reports into Actinic's Built-in List'. This will help you achieve what you are after.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Hi Bruce,

        Thanks for that, but unfortunately my particular problem is described on page 75: “Unfortunately, you can’t add a report to work with the currently selected catalog items or orders. “, which was exactly what I did want to do.

        Time to put my lateral thinking hat on again

        Thanks again,


          You could replace the data entry report - this will have the side effect of orders being given the status of data entry printed (both packing list and invoice) when you print it, which might in turn cause the order to move to the completed tab.

          Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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