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Missing Order Numbers

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    Missing Order Numbers

    We have been running an online store since Christmas with no problems. Twice recently we have downloaded orders and found that an order number was missing from the sequence. We have not received an order confirmation email for the missing order number. We are not using a payment provider, credit card details are entered on the machine in the shop.

    Can this happen if a buyer goes through the order process but for some reason does not complete?

    The only other explanation I can see in help is if the ISP has accidentally deleted some *.ord files from the website by restoring the site from a backup following a system problem.

    Any advice appreciated - we are worried that we are missing out on orders.

    It normally means someone got so far through the checkout process and then changed their mind.

    Very unlikely to be the ISP deleting .ord files


      Yep, known problem with actinic. I think it only happens with actinic's javascript encryption where if a customer goes to the credit card page and then cancels or backs out an order number is skipped but no order is created.

      It's been around since at least V6 and I assume Actinic will fix it at some point.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Many Thanks

        Many thanks Jo and Mike - much appreciated.

