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Product Price Display

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    Product Price Display

    I want to be able to have my prices appearing for different products in different formats (Size, position, prefix etc).

    Can I have a "2nd" Act_ProductPrices.html - obvioulsy with a different name - but when I try this and use the Netquotevar:Include variable (NETQUOTEVAR:INCLUDE Act_ProductPriceNEW.html) it does not pick up the variables.

    The features to be amended include the font size and the prefix (from Design | Text | etc) in paticular.
    I can move the font code up a level to the Act_ProductLine template but I can not take out the prefix without removing it from ALL products - or can I?

    Any help in how to customise a bit deeper much apprecieated.

    David Cunningham
    ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)

    so you basically want the same prices with different prefixes?

    please elaborate?


      I guess so

      In some cases we want it displayed in larger type with whilst with others, where there may be various similar products, displayed in small type and quite compressed with minimal detail.

      I have managed to get what I want but at the expense of the other products that want more dominant prices.

      After making the post I moved on to the display of the Quantity box - the same think applies here but it seems to be even deeper set into the code!

      I do not seem to be able to remove the word Quantity: (or what ever is set in Design | Text) to be different on different products or pages. I can also not seem to get rid of a <br> or other space generating item from before the quantity text - Trying to get layout to display products on consecutive lines

      Product Title £100.00 / $140.00 |QtyBox|
      Next Product Title £50.00 / £70.00 |QtyBox|

      I am getting a line space between each on - I have added a border to the table to see more and have a space between each product and before the qty text/box making 2 line spaces between products.

      Sorry can not show an example at the moment as site is live - but should be able to set a temp site up to show what I mean if it would help.

      In a nut shell I want to be able to have several Act_ProductPrice.html 's operating - That would give me sufficient control over the pricing but with Quantity it seems to be built in and not controllable from a Act_Template - or am I missing something - so I need deeper control here.

      The problem with pricing my get worse later as at the moment we only display the price with no Tax Messages etc. Having just upgraded to business this may however change and we would wnat to get deeper into the display here as well.

      I hope this clarifies thinks a bit?

      David Cunningham
      ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


        CUSTOMVAR's work in Act_ProductPrice.html.

        So you could replace various bits like NETQUOTEVAR:TAXMESSAGE with a Custom Property and set it globally (Design / Options /Site Defaults) to a most popular value and set it to be empty at the Sections level for certain pages.

        You could also use a Custom Property for the CSS class names, etc.

        The same thing applies to the Quantity: prompt. Find this in Design / Text / Goto / Phase -1, ID 166 and delete it. Now use a Custom Property in your Product Template as above.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thank Norman - I understand most of what you are saying and have implemented it with reasonable success.

          One area I still can not sort is the space above the Qty box (see screen shot at

          The main <Table> in Act_ProductBody has a cellpadding of 5 (Purple border) but the nested table in Act_ProductLine has cellpadding and cellspacing set to "0" (grey border)

          How do I get at that linespace to remove it?

          I have removed the quantiy label from Design | Text etc and added a CustomVar to put it back in again where I need it. In the section shown the CustomVar is set with a value of blank or empty.

          Hope you can enlighten me....

          David Cunningham

          ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


            It'll probably be in Design / Text. The fields there are documented in the Advanced Guide.

            If you can't find it there try this trick that I posted only a few hours ago.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Thanks again

              I referred tot he other thread and have actually done that for other tasks but reckoned that there are so many <BR> that it would be a hugh task - well huge task it must be then.

              David Cunningham

              ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)


                Design | Text | Go To Phase -1 , ID: 2220 does it
                It is the 13th <BR> in the Web Site | HTML section

                David Cunningham

                ECommerce (SellerDeck) & Web Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and Remote Backup (Truska Backup)

