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Google adwords and site recommendations

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    ad words budget


    I think Google ad words will always remain a mystery but having looked at it over the past month since launching our site (we do kids furniture and accessories so a bit different marketplace I know but ..) we have found that the daily budget is not necessarily the key issue the real key is the cost per click. We lowered our budget but kept our cpc to place us p1 or 2 and burnt our budget by lunchtime. We then lowered our cpc and found that we didn't really move down the rankings we just didn't show all the time but our budget lasted much longer. It would seem that Google will put you p2 -4 to spend your budget even if your cpc is at min levels as they want to maximise their revenue for the day. Were still not profitable but I think the lead time click to order is something we have to understand as the purchase for kids beds, bedroom furniture etc is quite considered.

    We have also found that the search terms are really critical - don't go for wide searches as these will really burn your cash. If you look at the analytics in google you'll see where your cash is going and tightening these terms up and stopping your search appearing on other portals etc should really help too.

    My advice would be to drop your cpc right down along with your budget and gradually build as you see the clicks and conversions. Until you get a call on the number of vists to order this will be a bit hit and miss but should improve your overall return.

    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


      There's probably an option somewhere within your adwords account where you can turn this on or off
      Its called Content Network and its under the Campaign Settings on the right-hand side under Networks - Content Network

      I turned it off as it was generating a lot of wasted clicks. For me, it was people looking for online games.

      You might like to think about negative searches as well.
      I have one for "-online" to stop precisely the same thing.

      Alan Compton
      Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street


        Originally posted by Donna Kempster

        We lowered our budget but kept our cpc to place us p1 or 2 and burnt our budget by lunchtime.
        According to google, on adverts that have a daily limit they try and balance them out over the whole day, rather then use them all up in the first few moments,

        Therfore you search Google one minute and find your ad and then do a site refresh and sometimes it's not there, a whilst latter it's back again.

        I would always suggest you try for positions 4-10 and leave the top spots if they are at excessive rates
        Chris Ashdown


          Thats one of our problems in that ,the old catalogues always had free return pickups, and M&S always take back an item without any reason or time scale. both work on high markup sales and can afford the returns
          isn't it cheaper to get returns via thepost office rather than courier pick up.

          I hate courier pick ups as it takes ages to phone to say you want to return something, then you have to wait for a courier.

          It easier (and I enjoy a walk to the Post office ) to pack up your return and take it to the PO

          Often with clothing its light so even if I do have to pay for a return it tends to be less than £2

