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Cart has expired problem

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    Cart has expired problem


    Can anyone help us? Even Actinic themselves can't answer this and we are losing orders and money because of it.

    We have recently moved to v7 from 5 and since then a large percentage of our customers have reported they have selected the items they want and try to proceed through checkout they get the following message which do not allow them to continue with their order.

    A General Script error occured
    Error:Your shopping cart has expired, orders must be completed within 24 hours or they will be automatically cancelled. Press the browser back button and t ry agian or contact the sute owner.

    This error never occured when we were running actinic 5. This is most worrying as we are only hearing from the customers who choose to ring us !

    The advice so far is that it is to do with cookie acceptance levels on our customers pcs. We are getting too many instances for this to be true. Has anyone else experienced a similiar problem and how did you get round it. What is the fix.

    Thanking you in anticipation....

    When all else fails, we generally suggest making sure that you copy the original .pm and .pl files from the originals folder in the v7 installation into your site1 of the same v7.

    Then, login to your hosting via FTP and clear all of the cgi-bin content connected with Actinic operation and the content of the acatalog folder.

    Then do a complete Web | refresh website...

    This is as a last resort when all normal logical options have failed, which should make sure that not a single conflict in pm and pl's exists in your site1 and that the hosting does not contain any old v5 code (which as this was a problem before, could be resolved by clearing the webspace also).

    Just another idea to add to your no doubt long list of attempts at solving this, but hope it helps.


      Thanks for your quick reply. I will pass this on to our hoster / Actinic expert.

      We did not upgrade from V5 to v7 in the normal way, because our V5 setup contained 'non-standard' templates and altered code.
      Actinic themselves and our hoster had to work together to do the upgrade.

      Thanks again, we will try to let you know if your suggestions bear fruit !

      Steve Marsden.


        Hi Steve, I only just saw your email so apologies for taking a while to get back to you on this.

        When I checkout on your site I do get the cart expired message. It looks to me as if this is because the ssl checkout is on

        i..e note that the domain has changed to

        If Internet Explorer has security set to medium-high (I think it is) then it will block cookies from third party domains. As it sees as being different from then it will block the actinic cookie and the cart thinks it must have expired. Hence the error message.

        You should talk to your host about getting a proper SSL certificate for your own website. They aren't that expensive these days.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Just to backup Mike, I just placed an order on your site, using Firefox, with no problem at all

          (order detail is gkfl;gkhl;ghk )


            Originally posted by pinbrook
            Just to backup Mike, I just placed an order on your site, using Firefox, with no problem at all

            (order detail is gkfl;gkhl;ghk )
            Jo, Many thanks for your comments.

            Steve Marsden.


              Mike, thanks for your suggestions - I will speak to our hoster regarding the SSL certificate.

