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    Is there a way to have each component have it owns qty box instead of just a tick box, also how do you get the price level to show up next to the component?

    Quantities are only visible and available to products that are visible and not assignable at the add to cart stage through individual qty options that the customer can select from afraid...

    To add prices into the drop downs and other choices, you manually add it to the option ...


      Don't follow this?

      Originally posted by Support@Techno-
      Quantities are only visible and available to products that are visible and not assignable at the add to cart stage through individual qty options that the customer can select from afraid...

      To add prices into the drop downs and other choices, you manually add it to the option ...
      The problem with this is if I change the price on the component, I then have to manualy change the price every place I use that component, also i have different price levels setup so would like the correct price level to show up for the correct level of customer, like retail, dealer1, dealer2



        Only full products can have a quantity box which is user adjustable, quantities cannot be assigned to components in the cart either.

        The only way to show price on a component is to add it to the description.

        You can add more choices to your product to cover the different quantities of each component that the customer might choose.


        Product A
        With 1 component B Price -
        with 2 component B Price -
        with 3 component B Price -

        If you create a hidden product for the component, and associate the choice(s) with that hidden product, you can select to use the associated product price in the permutations tab. That might(?) allow you to set different prices for your customer groups on the hidden product and carry those through to the cart - give it a try and see.

        Would appreciate if you report back on the success or otherwise of this setup, to assist others who want the same effect.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          I set up the premutations so that once the customer sellects the item they get the right price in the cart but would like to be able to show the price like

          Retail Price: $2.50

          Your Price: $1.88

          as in a typical product, I do alot of wholesale so would be nice for the customer to be able to see their price and not have jump to cart to see the pricing



            I am looking at this, trying it out now. Will post back shortly.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              I was able to edit the code within dreamweaver to make it look like I want above but as soon as I update the site it overwrites the page.



                Can you drop me a mail with the link to the site so that I can take a look at it for you. Give me a link to a product with the issue.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

