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Component template

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    Component template

    Can anyone tell me why Act_ProductLineA20f (attached) template works but the other one dosn't?

    It's not including the component prices in the final cost. I spent hours checking the components them selfs only to find out they'll work fine in the A20f template. I don't think it's the buy button. I can't see anything wrong with it ( not that I'm good enough to see the difference)

    Attached Files

    its not the button, I can paste in the NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTSELECTOR bits into the working template but I still get the same problem.

    Do I have to have VARIANTLABEL's can't see anything else different. I only get to test at daft times like this!


      What version of Actinic are you running?

      There are bugs in sone V7's where the hidden variable for components isn't correctly generated whan using VARIANTS.

      Posting an URL would also help.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        It may also be that the hidden field for a Component gets attached to a VARIANTLABEL, so best use them all. You can always wrap ones you want to hide them in a hidden SPAN. E.g. <span style="display:none; visibility:hidden">NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTLABEL1</span>
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          I'm using version 7.05.
          I can't post a link to the contact lens page as I can't leave it live on site for more than a few mins for testing.
          The Vlabel sounds like the best answer as its the only thing different, I'll try now m8.
          Thanks yet again m8.


            Worked a treat mate.
            Cheers yet again.
            Cookie is the post

