Is it possible to import attributes into Actinic Catalog v7 using a flat file import. If so has anyone got an example or the field names that need to be populated.
I'm afraid that this isn't the sort of thing that can't be done in a flat-file import.
Since a product can have an arbitrary number of Attributes and each Attribute an arbitrary number of Choices you really do need a Hierarchical type import to cover all the possibilities.
Thanks for the reply. At least I can stop my search for the impossible. Do you have or know where there is a basic example of an import with attributes. If not I will sift through the example that came with program.
I wrote a program that generates a hierarchical file to completely define a site for users of the Top to Toe EPOS system. These are usually fashion and footwear type retailers and nearly every product has Colour and Size Attributes, all with different numbers of Choices.
I found the Actinic documentation and the sample hierarchical import files useful.
The file C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Original\Common\SampleHierarchicalCatalogImportFile.txt builds the Demo Site that you see when you install Catalog.