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Keywords Strategy

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    Keywords Strategy

    After advice from this forum I am about to start reconfiguring my site based on a single product per page concept.

    This is a huge job for me and I would appreciate comments on my current keyword strategy so that I can incorporate improvements together with my new configuration.


    Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts

    Hi Geraldine,

    Can you explain what you mean by "Keyword Strategy" .... i haven't got one ..... at least I don't think I have .... should I.... sounds a bit organised to me.

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      I would appreciate comments on my current keyword strategy
      Yep tell us what you plan to do and we can then comment


        My web site has been built around my experience with keyword phrase statistics from my google Adwords. I sell baby clothes, baby t-shirts, kids clothes, kids t-shirts but to be specific I sell for example punk baby t-shirts, punk baby clothes or rock baby clothes, rock baby t-shirts etc. So I broken down my sections into similar adjective eg punk baby clothes, rock baby clothes. I plan to keep this same principle but reconfigure my site into single product per page so Punk Baby would show a thumbnail of all my punk clothes and then if you click on the image you will see one product say Punk Baby T-Shirt. This will allow me to focus on one key phrase per page rather than a group that all relate to punk baby.

        I also think customers from Adwords should come into the thumbnail page not the product page as they are searching on more generic terms eg baby punk clothes not 'public enemy baby t-shirt'.

        What do you think?
        Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts


          That all seems sound enoughto me, although I would investigate the popularity of the keyphrases you want to use.

          it would be great if you had number 1 for the phrase punk baby t-shirt, but if only 3 people in the world use this as a keyphrase to search on you will get 3 visitors per day. the keyphrase baby t-shirt will attract more searcher but will be harder to target. Don't forget the many different spellings of the word t-shirt (t shirt teeshirt tee shirt, tshirt and so on)

          Overture has a keyphrase tool which tells you the number of searches made on a given keyword in a given month

          I've run a few searches for you to illustrate

          2226 funny baby t shirt
          2073 baby t shirt
          382 baby rock t shirt
          363 cool baby t shirt
          317 baby doll t shirt
          62 punk baby t shirt

          Thus from the phrase punk baby t shirt you can expect 2 visitors per day, wheras cool baby t shirt will yield 10 plus per day, but a top listing for baby tshirt could yield 70 per day.

          Admittedly optimising for punk baby t shirt will encompass baby t shirt



            Is this about page ranking, text content, meta naming etc ?


            P.S. Jo, the overture tool seems very informative, but seems to remind me of the KEI discussion we had some time ago.
            your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
            ... download once use as many times as you like !




              My web site keyword strategy is about getting listing on search engines mainly Google. I have been advised to redesign my web site using subsections thumbnail pages and one product per page.

              you can see this at


              I know what are my best keyword phrased from my campaign on Adwords. Up to now I have tried to get my listing my using a number of keyword phrases per page so in page title, meta keywords, descriptions etc. I had to do this because I only had a limited number of pages. But now I have one product per page (within a subsection) I am able to only target one keyword phrase which I hope will be more successful. This is because each subsection offers the same keyword targeting as a section. See the thread Good Listings on Yahoo / Poor listings on Google.


              PS I often find the overture keyword tool inaccurate as its statistics are based on Yahoo not Google. Perhaps the two search engines have different types of searchers?

              In terms of Adwords I need to be specific with my keywords. Our range is edgy and wouldn't appeal to people shopping under baby clothes. I don't want to waste clicks on frilly pink shoppers!
              Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts

