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Button anomolies

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    Button anomolies

    Just a few more questions on the 'add to cart' text button...

    1) Why is it when you type in longer text there is a much bigger blank space before and after the text making the button extra large? (see the first and second examples in the picture)

    2) Why is it that in the preview it is a nice sharp square button, but when I view the page it has morphed into an ugly rounded pixelated button? (see the 2nd and 3rd buttons)
    Attached Files

    Q1 don't know

    Q2 at a guess, when viewed as a webpage the graphic has border=1 and thus the colour of the link surrounds the image


      You could compare your P_xxx.html page to the xxx.html pages to see if there are any differences. Perhaps the P_ version is using a form submit style button which is converted to a gif for online use. Never looked myself so only guessing.


        1. additional "padding" is created in proportion to the amount of text on the button - more text = more padding

        2. different browsers and operating systems render the buttons differently - XP introduced the rounded corners - Actinic should be using the same engine build as explorer though. Is your default external browser set to soemthing other than IE?

        3. you can overcome this by creating your own add to cart button

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

