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Navigation Bar wrapping problem

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    Navigation Bar wrapping problem

    Apologies if this has been covered before, I've looked through quite a few posts, and haven't spotted the answer yet. I've just bought Business V7, and just registered with the community, so please bear with me. If I use one of the pre-designed themes with navigation links, or buttons along the top (e.g. 'Curves theme'), is there something I can set, to instantly stop these links wrapping round if I resize the page. The site I'm trying to create with my own layout, has a pattern running through my buttons kind of linking them, and if they wrap it looks stupid. Secondly, there seems to be a default gap between the images I use for the buttons. Can this be set to 0 somewhere. Many thanks, John

    I'm not totally familiar with the curves theme, but the templates you should be looking at are Act-primary, and maybe act-header (or similar). This is where you should find the horizontal navigation.

    Have you seen the template manager on the Advanced menu? you can use this to help you find the templates you need to be editting. Then use notepad or dreamweaver to edit them.

    The main point I'd make about resizing the page, and messing with the links is to watch the total page width, what resolution are you optimising for? or are you going fluid with 100% page width.

    You can use "no wrap" in the table row to ensure your navigation doesn't wrap, but make sure this doesn't pull the page width wider than the screen (depending on resolution)

    Oh and welcome to the community


      Thanks for the welcome. I just used the 'Curves' theme as one example. I had looked at quite a few of the 'Clean Layout' templates, and they all did the same. I've had a brief look at the template manager, but I'd thought this was a fairly basic thing that Actinic was doing wrong. I would have thought that regardless of the optimisation (I'm aiming to optimise mine for 1024 x 768), the appearance of the site would be that the nav buttons would be repositioned, until such point that they would then effectively disappear off the screen, just as the links on this site do if you start dragging in from the right. However, your comment about using "no wrap" in the table row may be what I need to do, but presumably you mean I will need to edit by hand. Thanks again, John


        The main issue here is if you choose a theme where actinic creates the buttons for you you have very little control over the size of the buttons.

        I'm not sure here if the issue we are talking about refers to the catalog pages or the brochure pages.

        Whilst generating buttons Actinic uses the text as defined in Design|Options|Navigation tab so you can reduce image size by reducing the text in these descriptions, brochure pages are a different matter as they use the text from the page name or title (can't remember which one - but its on the brochure dialog box)


        Mine is not to use Actinic generated images (personally I think they are abit naff) either create your own or use text links instead.

        Could you upload the site so we can see a specific example of the issue then we can give a better answer. I feel I am taking a guess at the problem at the mo


          Hi, I've attached a couple of screenshots trying to show what I mean. I've tried to use the Design theme Layout 1 under Clean layouts, and drop in my own buttons. You'll see a couple of issues, one is with the wrapping issue, when dragging the window in from the left, which happens even before I tried to drop any of my stuff in. The second is obvious gaps placed in between the buttons. I guess these are really daft questions that I just need to resolve myself, by acquiring a much more in depth knowledge of actinic, and reading the various guides, cover to cover. However, like I said before, before you even start to think about creating your own layouts, I would have thought any of the supplied layouts (with navigation buttons or links along the top), should not wrap like this.
          Cheers, John
          Attached Files


            The gaps are tricky blighters to remove - this thread should see you right

            As for the buttons wrapping you have several choices:

            - allow them to wrap using a fluid design
            - allow horizontal scrolling in the browser using a fixed table width
            - re-design the images to be smaller
            - not sure but does that theme use the ACTSTDWIDTH setting in the main settings? if so try specifying a larger value
            - adjust the gutters in the main primary templates (typically Act_Primary.html, Act_BrochurePrimary.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout.html)

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              what can I say

              Pinbrook thanks for all your prompt responses, but in this case todays star goes to jont. I took out NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEBEGINXML and NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML from Act_NavigationItem, and it seems to have cured both problems in one fell swoop. How, I don't know, but probably don't care now it's fixed. As I'm so new to Actinic, I hope this wasn't the start of many more issues, it's hard enough finding the time for all the other aspects of my e-commerce business without too many 'fundamental' issues of this nature. Cheers again, John


                ah well, I don't get it right all of the time....

