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Operation Timed Out when retrieving orders

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    Operation Timed Out when retrieving orders


    I've installed Actinic onto another PC and have copied the sites across as well, but when I try to retrieve orders it gives me the error "The operation timed out".

    The original PC had no problem retreiving orders from this site and I have check all settings to be the same .

    Thanks for your assistance.

    What does Advanced / Network Setup / Network Test produce?
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      When running the test, I get "The test script failed to execute on the web server." refer to "timed out.jpg" attached.

      I've compared the settings from this PC with the original PC and when performing a test on the original PC gave "The network settings test was successful.", refer to "sucessful.jpg" attached.

      Attached Files


        If they are identical, have you conducted a Web | Configure Website Details on the new machine, ensuring that both checkboxes are unchecked when doing this so that it sticks with your confirmed identical settings?

        If not, give that a try as the new machine would not as of yet actually done a full connection, so it may need to navigate through some settings for the network settings to work.. maybe


          have you checked your firewall?


            I have checked and Windows firewall is turned off.

            When I perform a test via Web | Configure Web site Details, it seems to fail in the Perl Installation when performing Perl test guesses. Refer to attached image.

            Thinking that this might be the cause of the problem, I ran the same test on the original PC which gave exactly the same results.

            Would the license key play any factor in this? What I mean is that I have used the same license key on both PC's.
            Attached Files


              I have used the same license key on both PC's.
              Yes, we all do that - it's quite OK - since the licence covers the site not the PC installation.

              Did you also copy the security information into Housekeeping | Security? This should be identical on both PCs.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                apart from the encryption key, the authorisation key, username and password are the same.


                  It is essential that the encryption key is also an exact copy. This key translates the encrypted order files as it downloads them. Since the key used to encrypt the orders is different (The one from the old PC), your new PC will not be able to find any files it can translate, and that will be what is causing the timeout.

                  Copy the new encryption key and paste it into Notepad and save the file (this is just in case). Then copy the encryption key from the old machine and paste it into the new PC settings. Once the encryption key is the same on both machines - try downloading orders from the new machine.
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    I've copied the encrytion key across and ensure license keys are the same, still get Timed Out error pop-up.

                    I just don't get it


                      I don't get it either

                      I think you need to register an email support request at

                      That way, the support team can actually test your settings and server and find the configuration that will work.

