Dunno if this is a Devloper edition only thing or nnot but I just can't get this to work at all.
I've done exactly as page 38 of the Developer manual suggests but its just not happening. I note however that the page suggests that the .js file is created by the @cat vars- does this mean I'd need to view the page on a web server with perl installed as I'm just trying it in teh 'Preview' mode at the moment.
I can attach the page in question if required.
PS- whoevers responsible for granting access to the Developer board...I'm still waiting
I've done exactly as page 38 of the Developer manual suggests but its just not happening. I note however that the page suggests that the .js file is created by the @cat vars- does this mean I'd need to view the page on a web server with perl installed as I'm just trying it in teh 'Preview' mode at the moment.
I can attach the page in question if required.
PS- whoevers responsible for granting access to the Developer board...I'm still waiting
