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Offline Preview Error

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    Offline Preview Error

    I am having problems with offline preview (and offline page preview). I have hardcoded some links into Act_Primary and Act_BrochurePrimary which go to brochure pages eg About_Us.html, Contact_Us.html.

    In Dreamweaver I have entered a link to About_Us.html (that is the exact format of the link, no directories or paths in front of it) etc but when I do any sort of offline preview I can't click on those links - I get an error message saying
    Cannot find 'file://c:/program files/actinic/sites/site1/previewhtml/About_Us.html' make sure the path or internet address is correct.

    What I don't understand is I have another site which I've done exactly the same for and that works.

    Only difference is the site that works is on my main pc and the site i'm working on is on a laptop.

    Does anyone have any ideas at all (been driving me mad all afternoon!)


    Kathy Newman

    Don't know why, but easy to fix.
    Include the full URL path ie:
    This will work when uploaded.


      Thanks for that - unfortunately laptop doesn't have an internet connection at the moment! Very odd as the full url is not included on the other site.

      Back to the drawing board.

      Kathy Newman


        I wonder if you actually copied the about-us page into the preview folder on the other pc which is why it works.

        I personally wouldn't spend any time over this. I'd do as Duncan suggests hard code the link and just make sure the file is uploaded to the remote webspace

