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Catalog server move question

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    Catalog server move question


    I am in the process of moving our web site to a new hosting plan and have a quick question about how Actinic might behave in the below situation:

    Currently we run Actinic on two PC's, one is solely for site design/maintenance and product additions/updates etc and the other solely for downloading/processing orders.

    I have changed the Network Settings on the design/maintenance PC and uploaded our catalog to the new server successfully without any problems.

    If I change the Network Settings on the Order Processing PC to match the new settings as used by the Design PC am I likely to encounter duplicate Order Number problems as this is effectively a 'new' catalog, or will it continue to operate unaffected ?

    Any info appreciated,
    Rod Grant.

    Hi Rod

    By moving to a different server you are just moving your site contents to a different place. And while changing the Network settings on the Order Processing PC to the new server settings will not effect the existing contents of the software.

    I hope this helps.

    Dhivya Malani

