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How do you get Product and Short Description onto blue bar at top of web page

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    How do you get Product and Short Description onto blue bar at top of web page

    Hi all again today,

    This one is really confusing me. I have noticed that when I do a an offline page preview that all I get at the top of the page is the words " My Company - product reference " with the words "product reference" being the product id.

    If I wanted the blue bar at the top of the page to have the product reference and a short description how would I do that, because I have five to six thousands products and that would be no fun by hand.

    By the way I have tried to do this manually in a web preview in the note pad and have suceeded but don't know how to incorporate this into actinic.

    I have also read the other threads to do with h1 h2 etc and that has just confused matters.

    Hope this all makes sense.

    Cheers Jon.

    I presume you are referring to the page title - if so then you can type whatever you want - in the Layout Tab of the Section - Page Title.

    If you have knowledge of MSAccess you could populate this field with an query directly in the Actinic database. Otherwise you can export your products and open in Excel - you will see there is a field for Page Title - you can modify there and import again. (Make backups of your database and your export before editing)


      Hi thanks for advice but when I did this I got thousands of import errors??
      I'm sure this is due the fact that some of my reference numbers for products include // and .. for example......

      Line 2: Incompatible information in field 21 ("Section Page Name"). Expected a file name with extension in the set (.js, .php, .php3, .asp, .cfm, .css, .htm, .html, .shtml, .vrml), no path, and up to 255 characters long, but got "Air Punch/Flange Tool - Sealey SA36.html"

      I'm sure i'm missing the point somewhere.......



        You need to take out the "/" as Actinic won't accept it on import. Can't remember but you might also need to remove the "-" as well. I had the same problem but a tweak in Excel using the SUBSTITUTE formula solved it.


          Ok i'll try that one and see....

          thanks for help



            Hi, tried that and although some products are being read by actinic there is still alot that are not, also I have had a look at your site and notice that some of your page titles have backslashes in. ?? for example...


            Anyway I think i'm still missing the point somewhere. I'm sure its really simple...


              That's the page name as distinct from the title (which is the url). The page name can contain slashes and dashes. Actinic uses your short description by default but you can override this by manually entering a page name yourself.


                Thanks for that, but is there a quicker way of doing it rather than by keying in each page by hand..
                ...its just i've got nearly six thousand products, also do you do this through notepad and save each page into your site one folder.


                  I suppose you could do what I do; use the product reference combined with the product name as the short description - this is what Actinic uses for the page title.


                    So if its in the short description it should show as the page name? Because when i have done an offline web preview I have had a different page name even though the product reference and short decription of the product have been combined and entered into short description on the import file.


                      Hi again everyone sorry to be a pain but has anybody else had the same problem with the page name.

                      Does the page name differ when you upload to your server from when you do an offline preview or are they both the same name.


                        Could you do a few screen shots that exemplify the issue from your point of view and post them for others to see? Include a shot of your section tree in the program as well.



                          Hi Charles and everyone, I have just read a very interesting thread and think it has answered my question but if anyone else can add anything to it then I would appreciate it

                          here is the thread:-


                          thanks Jon

