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user entering card details twice for HSBC payments

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    user entering card details twice for HSBC payments

    i'm setting up a site for a client and we've got the HSBC payments working fine, it's just that the Actinic page requests all of the credit details, and then once you get to the HSBC page, the user then has to enter them all again.
    Does Actinic need the card details for anything? Could I just remove these input boxes from the template, or is Actinic going to try and validate something that doesn't exist then?
    If we don't have to enter the details on the Actinic page, then that saves us having to arrange for an SSL certificate, so would be preferable.

    thanks for any help!

    You should only have to enter cc details on your site if you are going to download and process the ccs offline. Check in your payments setup and remove any offline processing options - just leave HSBC if that's the only method of payment you wish to use.


      great - thank you

