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Background Images 'vs' Images ???

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    Background Images 'vs' Images ???


    But why does an image preview, but not a background slice in Actinic Preview.

    Take a look at this code:

    HTML Code:
    <td width="105"><img name="Home6_r1_c5" src="Home6_r1_c5.gif" width="105" height="91" border="0" alt=""></td>
    <td width="399" background="Home6_r1_c7(1).gif">&nbsp;</td>
    "Home6_r1_c5,gif" displays fine, but
    "Home6_r1_c7(1).gif", does not, and i get the background driven by the NQV for the brochure template.

    However if I i open the generated P_Index.html in Dreamweaver and Preview, they miracullously display.

    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
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    Is the hideously complexly named Home6_r1_c7(1).gif uploaded to your server (possibly via Advanced / Additiona Files)?

    I think Actinic detects <img ...> tags in your templates and uploads the files but it may not be smart enough to detect background="..." sub-tags.

    If the file is uploaded are you using exact capitalisation? If your server is unix then an uploaded file called home6_r1_c7(1).gif won't be found as your tag defines a capital "H".
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Capitals are taboo ....

      So I should lose the captial "H", no worries.

      So do I have to lose capitals in page titles, e.g. H010101.html is the page title for one of my Product Sections. Is this bad?

      As far as the rest of the name... its Fireworks generated....and is created when you slice up a large image, say, a complete page graphic, into its constituent component images.

      r1_c1 = row1 column 1, etc ..

      Its a bit messsy I know but Fireworks does the lot, images and html... i just COPY and PASTE into my Actinic Template.

      I only do this coz my site is very visual, lots of graphics, so i reduce the memory impact by using slices of the image in background tags and let the browser do the rest.

      Or in my case, not do the rest, hence, my questions.

      However, still don't get the way Actinic will perform when I upload to a live site... need a Test Server, ASAP, as you have recommended in the other thread.

      Thanks, S.

      P.S. by modifying a link to an image in the background tag by adding a "/" in Dweaver it works, but why does the image tag work ..... weird, but I'll go with whatever works inthe live site.
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
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        I'm afraid I modify templates using a text editor and an understanding of HTML. I've no idea of the consequences of pasting in Fireworks generated code.

        Someone else perhaps.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          What about the filename capitalisation ?
          So do I have to lose capitals in page titles, e.g. H010101.html is the page title for one of my Product Sections. Is this bad?
          Also, if this is so..... is it only the leading letter of a name or are any capitals in a filename bad ?


          your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
          ... download once use as many times as you like !


            Why not name your product section pages in readable english. Such as Fire_Warning_Safety_Signs.html or Fire-Warning-Safety-Signs.html this might help with your SE page rankings, certainly more than some code.


              A couple of things ...


              Norman you said
              If the file is uploaded are you using exact capitalisation? If your server is unix then an uploaded file called home6_r1_c7(1).gif won't be found as your tag defines a capital "H".
              Im not clear on this, can you clarify?
              Are you saying that capital letters in file titles are taboo?

              Page Naming
              I hear you Duncan, but i ran out of logical naming a parent section up as it were. I have many subsections so coding simply made it easier to manage. But if you think page ranking will benefit, I will have a think about this as it was an arbitary decision on my side at the time.

              Thanks, S.
              your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
              ... download once use as many times as you like !



                Originally posted by simonwar
                Norman you said
                Im not clear on this, can you clarify?
                Are you saying that capital letters in file titles are taboo?..
                What Norman was referring to was that Unix servers may be case sensitive. So an image named home101.jpg may be considered different to one named Home101.jpg


                  Are you saying that capital letters in file titles are taboo?
                  They're not taboo - just a likely source of confusion, and inconsistency.

                  If you make a personal rule that everything is lower case then the worry about Unix / Windows servers treating things differently goes away.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Still confused on background images ...

                    OK, got the capitalisation bit too, thanks for the warning!

                    But, my problem with images repeating in background tags has not gone away?

                    I was led to believe that in HTML, any image placed in a background tag of a table cell will repeat if the table cells size is bigger than the image size. Ths being very useful for slicing images yet creating the effect of a larger image.

                    See my attachments.

                    Preview in Actinic and opening P_Index.html in a browser gives my pic 1 (Actinic Help 17.jpg), clearly showing the patches where the image in a background tag is not repeating.

                    However, opening P_Index.html and previewing in DWeaver, using F12, gives me the pic 2, (Actinic Help 17b.jpg), clearly showing that the background images infinitely repeating.

                    Can anyone advise whats going on, why don't the images work as I would expect?

                    Thanks, S?
                    Attached Files
                    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                    ... download once use as many times as you like !



                      Simon - place a copy of the background image into PreviewHTML subfolder of the site1 .. as Norman hinted at before Actinic see's the <img> tags but not the background ... worth a try for nowt

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Spot on !

                        Ah! Cap'n.... thats done it!

                        Thanks, Norm/Jont, S.
                        your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
                        ... download once use as many times as you like !


