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Having a different header image on 1 page only

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    Having a different header image on 1 page only

    I am sure I am being a complete idiot here but hopefully someone can help he.
    I have a client who has two distinct business names who sell slightly different products. He wants to have 1 page within the site (thats sells a certain product) headed up with a different logo to the other pages.

    I thought that it would be simply a case of creating a new page Act_logoimage2.html (as well as Act_logoimage.html) and replacing this code within the page code. However when I reload Actinic is appears simply to change it back to the original page. I think this may have something to do with the NETQUOTEVAR which I can see that I am not meant to change at all.

    Now, if this makes any sense at all to anyone, could they possibly help. I simply have a static logo image at the top of the page and this is all I want to change (but only on one page). Apologies if this is total gibberish but I would be very grateful for any help. Best wishes : Dom

    Easiest way is to use a unique Primary Template for just that page.

    Copy Act_Primary.html to a new name (Custom_Primary.html). Now edit that to replace



    <img src="mylogo.jpg" width=123 height=456 alt="My Company">

    In Actinic, click the Section containing that product and in Section Details / Layout / Overall Layout select Custom_Primary.html.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      So many thanks

      Hi Norman - Thats just wonderful and worked a treat. Like most things, easy if you know how eh. Thanks, you have saved me so many hours work. Best wishes : Dom


        You're welcome.

        Just so you know. If you wanted several pages to have unique branding then another route might have been better.

        You could create a Custom Property called PAGELOGO and replace



        <img src="CUSTOMVAR:PAGELOGO" width=123 height=456 alt="My Company">

        And then in Design / Options / Site Defaults / Properties, set PAGELOGO to the filename of the image for most pages. On the custom pages, you set PAGELOGO to alternate image names by clicking the Section, then Section Details / Properties. Keep these images in Site1 (so that Actinic can find them), and check the "Is File Name" option under Properties (so Actinic will know to upload them for you).

        This way involves more work (and you have to remember to keep all logo images the same size), but you won't have to remember to alter 2 Primary templates if you make overall layout changes.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

