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File permissions on Windows Server

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    File permissions on Windows Server

    I have searched the forums but been unable to find anything. Perhaps some kind soul can help.

    My main site is on a Linux server but I have just added an SSL site for checkout. I am using a shared SSL service from my ISP, Fasthosts.

    When running the Connection Wizard to add the SSL site, I get the following error:
    An error occurred while attempting to change permissions of the file
    The ftp server returned a reply code of 550.
    the current permissions of the file are 0700 and the required permissions are 0755.

    Fasthosts say they can't change the file permissions on their shared SSL server. They say there is an Actinic patch available which solves the problem (or at least works around it) but I cannot find any reference anywhere to such a patch.

    Has anyone experienced this situation with Fasthosts or another ISP, or indeed heard of the specific patch? Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.


    Not heard of a patch that gets shared ssl for fasthosts working, but if you do a search for fasthosts you will find a multitude of people having problems implementing the fasthosts shared ssl and the solutions that they came up with.

    Afraid no simple answer to this and trial and error with going through the solutions others have used (from a search for fasthosts ssl) is the only way.

    You might also try posting your network settings on this thread (username and password removed of course) to see if any other fasthosts user has ideas and solutions for you.


      I made some enquiries regarding ssl and Actinic on Fasthosts windows servers not that long ago. One thing that was mentioned in the conversation was that if you have load balancing enabled on the windows server then you are more likely to encounter problems. Check your fasthosts control panel to ensure that you don't have this option selected.

      You can also find information on configuring actinic in the fasthosts knowledge base. Just search for actinic, there are only 4 entries.

