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shopping basket not updated after checkout

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    shopping basket not updated after checkout

    Hi there

    I have a site from which i have suddenly started getting a number of customers making duplicated payments - and multiple submissions of the same order. Hosted with NetKonect (Now Mistral), and

    It appears that the customer places an order, goes through all the payment stages, when they return to the site the products are still in the shopping basket.

    They think that the order was not submitted, so they send it again!

    The site has been running for a year or so, this just suddenly started happening. I've tried to recreate the error but can't. Have NOT recently made any significant changes to site or hosting configuration.

    Anyone any ideas what could be causing this?


    Mark Brown

    Interestingly I have just made a test purchase on my site which is under development and had the same fault. I am sure that the basket should be emptied by the process of completing a purchase otherwise there is a danger that people will do what you have experienced and 'try again'.

    So, I too am interested in what might be causing this to happen - certainly doesn't seem right to me.



      There is a JavaScript function in the latest v7 Advanced User Guide. Look at the chapter titled 'Emptying The Cart When People Leave The Checkout'.

      The advanced user guide can be downloaded from here.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Originally posted by Bruce
        There is a JavaScript function in the latest v7 Advanced User Guide. Look at the chapter titled 'Emptying The Cart When People Leave The Checkout'.

        Thanks for that, but this function is for removing items when a customer clicks 'Cancel' during the order process. My problem is that items remain in the basket after checkout is completed and they have actually made the purchase. Surely the basket should be emptied following a purchase?

        I have since done another test which did empty the basket - so now I am confused as to why sometimes it does empty and sometimes it does not. I would do more tests, but these are 'real' transactions with PayPal and I do not want to upset them or my credit card company by doing too many small transactions that I then refund!

        The bottom line is then - should the basket empty after a purchase? (I assume that it should) and what would cause it not to empty?

        Any suggestions would be welcome,



          I would imagine the cart is only cleared if the customer returns to the actinic receipt page (and possibly clicks the 'done' button). If they pay and then click away to another site without going to the receipt page then actinic has no way of knowing if the customer has fully completed the order.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            Originally posted by olderscot
            I would imagine the cart is only cleared if the customer returns to the actinic receipt page (and possibly clicks the 'done' button). If they pay and then click away to another site without going to the receipt page then actinic has no way of knowing if the customer has fully completed the order.
            Thanks for the suggestion Mike, but I don't think that that was the case with my test since I was just trying to follow the process through to the end to see what happened, rather than trying to 'break' anything.

            I think that since this has only happened once in 3 test transactions I will assume that it was a 'blip' and see what happens in the 'real' world when I go live.

            On a slightly different tack - I decided to implement the javascript change that Bruce pointed me to further up the thread to clear the basket when cancelling, but something doesn't work.

            I have ensured that the code is correct by cutting and pasting the text from the guide (and then made the required changes to the URL) and I am sure that the changes are in place by viewing the source, but when I click the 'cancel' button nothing happens. Since I am not getting the confirmation box which is the first part of the script I guess that the 'onclick' command is not functioning. So I guess there is something wrong with this:

            <input type="button" name="ACTION" value="NETQUOTEVAR:CANCELBUTTON"
            class="input" onclick="CancelOrder();" />

            I have tried all sorts of minor changes, but none work.

            Anyone tried this change and got it to work? Anyone suggest what I should try?




              Have you tried making sure the code is in one long line.
              <input type="button" name="ACTION" value="NETQUOTEVAR:CANCELBUTTON" class="input" onclick="CancelOrder();" />
              Bruce King


                Originally posted by Bruce
                Have you tried making sure the code is in one long line.
                I hadn't, but I have now and it still doesn't work.



                  What exact version are you on ? Available in Help | About
                  Bruce King


                    Originally posted by Bruce
                    What exact version are you on ?
                    Actinic Catalog V


                      Have attached the changed templates. This works for me.

                      Note: the templates are from a site on teh 'Best Seller' theme. You may only want to extract or compare what you have.

                      Kind regards,
                      Attached Files
                      Bruce King


                        Originally posted by Bruce
                        Have attached the changed templates. This works for me.
                        Thanks Bruce,

                        I have checked carefully and I can't see any difference in these to the ones in the Advanced User Guide which I have used. There must be some subtle difference that I am missing - back to the drawing board I guess.




                          I had a similar problem you are experiencing. Where when I clicked the cancel button nothing happened. This is what I did and hopefully this will help you.

                          Copy/paste the javascript code into your ACT_PRIMARY.html file but paste it into the top of the page just above the </HEAD> tag.

                           <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
                          function createCookie(name,value,days) {
                             if (days)
                                var date = new Date();
                                var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
                             else var expires = "";
                             document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
                          function CancelOrder() {
                             if (confirm('This will clear your order and address details completely.\nClick "View Cart" to change your order.\nDo you wish to proceed?') == true)
                                window.location.href = '';
                          next, in your act_order00.html, act_order01.html and act_order02.html files located in your site1 folder

                           <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="NETQUOTEVAR:CANCELBUTTON">
                            <input type="button" name="ACTION" value="NETQUOTEVAR:CANCELBUTTON" class="input" onclick="CancelOrder();" />
                          Now this is what I did and nothing happened when I clicked on the cancel button, on the modified line of code from above, I removed the class="input" as I had nothing in either my actinic.css or my own css file relating to anything called "input". I removed this refreshed the site within actinic, uploaded the new files, and it worked.

