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    I've just had one of those great customers who take the time to tell us that they've had a problem with the website - in this instance they tried to checkout but got the SSLBOUNCE page. A quick test shows it's working fine at this end and we are still getting the usual amount of orders (although how many might be being lost on a regular basis!!). A search of this forum suggests that this has been a problem with AOL in the past, although as far as we can tell he's not using AOL (he's on a fast public library PC where he does his banking! ). Is SSLBOUNCE still an issue with regard to a specific set of circumstances (eg PC/browser), or was he just "unlucky"??

    Manual refresh has been suggested in the past - whilst I don't particularly want to put a note to this effect on the site (because it erodes confidence for the majority who shouldn't have a problem) it would be useful to be able to advise individuals who contact us as to how to proceed. Thanks again. Mark H.

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

    Hi Mark

    Please could you give us more information about the problem like what happened to the customer when he reached the SSL bounce page. Does it give any errors on that page ? And also let us know your website address to check.

    Dhivya Malani

