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importing into quick books pro 2005

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    importing into quick books pro 2005

    ***Update #2*** I had to put the phone down to QB tech support and now the guy who I bought QB5 from is looking into it, but is thinking that maybe the version of Link that I'm using (the newest one from the web site) has made alterations that aren't compatible with QB5 -- can anyone confirm this or shed any light at all?

    There must be a way for QB5 and Actinic 7 to work via link without having to edit the iif files every time, surely? And further, who's actually responsible for this, as QB are totally washing their hands of it and if I'm to ask Actinic I have to pay to do so, which I'm feeling slightly hesitant to do so right now as none of this is my fault!

    ***Update*** I'm on the phone to QB tect support and he's saying that my *.iif file isn't the same on the top 3 lines as their sample .iff files, and that's why it won't import into QB. He's now telling me that every time I create an .iif file I have to open it in Excel and alter it all before it'll import into QB! I really can't believe this, and am getting so wound up by the whole situation. I've just bought the 05 version of QB so it properly integrates and it's still not working. This isn't only costing us a lot in money and resources, it's making me old before my time...


    we have followed the instructions and cant seem to find the imported information. we have set link up with 3 payment methods:

    payment method transaction type default name account
    other sales orders internet shooper sales orders
    paypal "" "" "" "" sales orders
    cheque on delivery "" "" "" "" sales orders

    we have choosen 1 order at random turned it into a iif file quick books says it has it yet we cant seem to find the transaction. help would be greatly recieved

    we are having the same problems. pulling our hair out, and can't get any help. have you made any progress?


      We're using QB Accountant 2005 with Act Bus v.7 so I can't imagine the QB version would make much difference at this level, and amazingly this is one thing that has always worked perfectly (touching everything made of wood or vaguely looking like wood!).

      It was a bit of a mare to set up because of the way our item list in QB was originally configured - i.e every stock item was broken down into a sub-item of the vendor, which seemed logical for several years before we upgraded to use the link function.

      The import function doesn't mention this at all (and the literature doesn't explain this very well, and only as a very complicated afterthought really) - so it will not work on this basis - nothing can be a sub-item of anything.

      The whole thing is full of little peeves and anomolies, but when you do get it working it's well worth it - we were wasting time every day having to manually bash in orders, and that does make you old before your time!

      No point speaking to QB help - they know nothing about their own product and never respond to any emails (well none that we've ever sent in 7 years!).

      Last time we spoke to them (at least a year ago) the bloke in Delhi had only been working there for 2 weeks, couldn't answer any question without putting us on hold to ask somebody else, still couldn't answer our query then had the cheek to ask if we'd continue the call to answer a customer satisfaction survey on his performance because he'd earn more money if he got a good review!

      Having to open your .iff files in excel is a load of locks - we've never had to do this provided everything else is set up OK. So far as I'm aware the only thing you can't do if you're on the UK version is to export data back from QB to Act via link - but for order importing to generate your sales receipts, adjust your stock control etc then it's fine.

      Do perservere - if you can get it working properly you'll wonder how you ever managed before! We're also using link along with some of Jan's (Mole End) automation tools and the whole thing chugs along very nicely.

      I'm not an expert, only an end user of the products who has been through the usual trials and tribs, but if I can be of any help (even just to run through our settings by comparison if that might help), please do let me know. This forum has saved my sanity many times, so only willing to offer help back to save yours!

      Regards - Helen


        Hi Guys

        Wardy -- no, we've had no luck at all.

        Helen -- interesting comments. Thanks.

        Here's my update from Actinic tech support... I rang them back today, as they didn't contact me (this was over 48 hours after logging the problem). The guy said that the problem was with QB and so I need to take it up with them. Needless to say that was enough for me to rant! I didn't just spend £350 on tech support to be told that! I didn't just upgrade QB to the tune of £500 to be told that! I didn't buy Actinic for £800 in the first place for it not to link to QB, because that was the reason I went for Actinic! Rant rant...

        I've had it with this whole thing, to be honest. My staff have been so patient, waiting a whole year to get this working, and it's still not working. I've now been told by Actinic tech support that a developer will ring me and they'll do their best to help (the rant must have worked).

        The thing is, there's no error being generated in QB, the program says the file was imported fine, QB Delhi branch say that the file's wrong, Actinic UK branch say the file's fine. QB says it doesn't support Link, Actinic says the problem's with QB. I seriously need to stop writing now as I keep having to delete my comments, I'm just so disappointed by the lack of support and the expense and time wasted with all this.




          Update (5.30pm), What a surprise, no developer rang me, and I emailed tech support and got no reply.

          I'm now going to pursue Actinic for a full refund as I've been mis-sold a product, and supposed service. I will not recommend Actinic to anybody in the future.


            I am using Actinic Business with Link to QB 2004 Pro has been working ok for 18 months

            If your translation table in Link does not match the exact spelling of an item in QB it automatically creates a new item but makes it a service item not a stock item. When you look at your list of items it is easy to miss as they can be at different ends of the list.

            I have never had a great response from Actinic tech support but have always got good help on these forums. Mind you a revision of Link was made specifically because of an error I pointed out

            I don't think you are going to get any thing near as good a software pairing as Actinic and QB with anything else without spending a good deal more than £800 & £500

            I think that the UK QB is not a great piece of software it is a shame it is not as good as the American version.


              Hi David

              Thanks for your comments. The thing is, when I import the iif file into QB, I can't see it at all, I do a find on it, and it's not there (though the test ones we did last year are still there, so I know I'm looking in the right place). I just isn't working and WORSE no-body's helping me, even though they were ver quick to take my £350 with the promise that they'd sort it. (Am still angry!!)

              I see that I have no choice but to move software if this doesn't do what it claimed it would and no-one will help. I know it will be more expensive, but at least it would work, when this clearly doesn't. And the cost of me dealing with it is much heftier than any amount of software would cost me.




                Hi anyone reading this...

                We finally got this resolved today. The tech support guys found out it was due to a bug where you can't use "sales order" you have to use "Cash Sale" or "Invoice". Am not totally sure that we should have paid £350 for support because the software is buggy, but am just sighing a huge sigh of relief right now as my office manager can get our VAT returns done swiftly... I do thank the guys Toby and Robert for sorting this, but really do also think the software shouldn't have that bug in it seeing as it's been known about since 2004!




                  Hi Val,

                  Firstly sorry for all the incovenience caused in trying to get this sorted but we eventually have. The main issue was that Sales Order transactions do not get imported into QB 2005 and we had informed them about this way back in October 2004 but nothing had been done so far. Quick Books no longer supports these transactions and stopped supporting it some time ago however the Quick Books help guide says it is allowed. A couple of interesting reads would be the Quick Books Forums and the knowledge base..

                  So on changing the transaction type to Cash Sales and correcting the typo in your link profile setup, the import goes through.



                    Hi Robert

                    Thanks for the reply. I hope other people following the link instructions will be helped by this thread. Our office manager imported all this quarter's accounts in minutes yesterday after speaking to you! She's ecstatic.



